Chapter three

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- Swearing
-Making Out
-mentions of sex
-use of 21+ substances
-underage smoking/drinking
-Gender dysphoria?

Words: 1585

Location: seaside highschool

Ezra came running towards the group cashing into Zayden on purpose hugging them tightly around the shoulders "ez what the fuck" they say she just laughs
"anyways you all need to come over this weekend it's my birthday I think we should have a slumber party and watch scary movies!" Ezra says practically bouncing with excitement "Sure I'm down" Sage says
"yeah I'll come as long as Frankie doesn't piss himself again" Zayden says Frankie punches them in the side causing them to bend over gripping therr side in pain
"I was 9!" He agures
"fucking dicks that hurt" Zayden says "so Lizzy you coming too?" Lizzy forze was she allowed too? Should she tell them? Would that ruin there friendship would they see her differently?
"Um yeah I'll be there" she says
"good it's gonna be an awesome party! Like Hella super badass kinda cool oh and my parents won't be home so we have unlimited access to booze and weed" Ezra says
"fuck yes this is why your my favorite ezie" Zayden says hugging her tightly Frankie laughs Sage scoffs
"what!? I thought I was ur favorite" she says feeling betrayed
"ew no way your a buzzkill" Zayden says
"oh and we should totally wear matching pj's! Like the hello kitty ones you know?" Ezra says
"oh! I have a bunch of hello kitty pj pants we should all just wear like a black shirt and I'll bring the pants....although they'll probably be a bit big on Ezra and Lizzy" Sage says "it's cool right lizzy?" She asks
Lizzy nods
"I don't mind" she says
"great it's settle see you guys friday" Ezra says grabbing Sage and Frankie dragging them to there next class.

Elizabeth gets home her dad no where to be found her mom however "welcome back how was it?" She asks "Oh same as always school.... oh but um Ezra invited me to a sleepover for her birthday this weekend is it okay if I go?" She asks her mom makes a face "are there gonna be boys at this sleepover? Lizzys mom asks "Yeah just one Frankie but I think he's gay" Lizzy says "Alright just be careful and don't do anything illegal" she says "Alright thanks mom" Lizzy says running off to her room Lizzy was definitely going to be doing something illegal

Frankie and Zayden were sitting in Frankie's room considering its bigger and cooler only because Zayden is too lazy to decorate there room "somethings off with Lizzy" Frankie casually says
"huh?" Zayden asks
"I mean she seemed all fidgety and I just have like this weird feeling about her" he says
"dude she's always fidgety she's just like shy and awkward shes just like that man" Zayden says Frankie shrugs "oh um also your not thinking of sleeping in a binder at the sleepover right? Because I will rip it off of you, don't need another trip to the hospital this year" Zayden says Frankie frowns "forgot about that part...god I wish I could just magicallygrow a penis and cut off my tits" Frankie says "Well if it makes u feel better your the boyist boy I know" Zayden says "that's not a word" he says "yes it is" they agure "its literally not" he says "fuck off" Zay replies
"do you think lizzy will notice I mean it's so nice having someone who doesn't know me as a trans boy and genuinely sees me as a boy you know?" Frankie says
"I mean she might notice but I doubt she'll care so far she's been cool with everything we do and say and you know she's just chill" Zayden says "probably just because she's never had real friends before" Frankie says "really?" Zayden asks
"Yeah she told me she's never had any like for real friends" he says
"damn that's sad I mean I would say I didn't have any friends untill I met Sage but that's not really true because I've always had my little brother" zayden says "ew cringe also we are literally 30 fucking seconds apart" Frankie says " Yeah I'm 30 seconds older then you I'm older" They say shoving frankie gently "whatever atleast I'm the favorite" Frankie says "last I checked mom threatened to 'she off that nasty sinful hair' if you kept acting like a boy" Zayden quotes there mom "Shut the fuck up just shut the fuck up sew your mouth shut your actually so fucking annoying" he says "I hope someone's shoves there boats down your throat" Zayden says getting up and leaveing Frankie sits there confused.

Location: Ezras house

"Happy birthday Ezie!" Zayden says aggressively hugging Ezra then pulling away to hand her a present "Thanks Zizi...anyways come In come in Sage is attempting to make shots and Lizzy is supervising" Ezra says closing the front door as Zayden and Frankie walk in putting there stuff down they all walk into the kitchen seeing Lizzy awkwardly trying to clean up the messes Sage is making with 21+ drinks Sage looks up from his disaster of a shot noicting everyone was there "nice of you two to show up Want a fancy shot? Made by yours truly" she says Frankie takes one downing it and coughing and ganging Zayden pats his back "I think I'm good"Ezra says "is it really that bad??" Sage asks
"hey guys" Lizzy says waving while wiping up some pink liquid off the counter
"anyways its to early for scary movies and matching pj's any suggestions?" Ezra asks Lizzy shrugs
"uh I mean back home we used to Try and make the royal grauds laugh but um guess we can't do that" Lizzy says "kiss marry kill!" Zayden says
"ew no that's like so just ew" Sage says
" truth or dare it's cliché but I doubt our dumbasses can come up with anything better" Frankie says
"what about spin the bottle?" Ezra says
"your only suggesting that so you have a chance to kiss Liz" Zayden says "Ugh fuck you my party my games" she says grabbing a half empty beer bottle and downing it

And now there sitting in a circle in Ezras living room
"wait what version are we playing?" Sage asks
"there's more then one way to play?" Lizzy says
"we're playing like just a simple 10 second kiss and obviously if Zay or Fran land on each other they get to respin everybody good with that? Oh and no tounge" Ezra says everybody nods Ezra spins first landing on Sage they kiss Sage gagging afterwards and Ezra acting offended and then does a whole bit about them being married with 27 kids next Sage spins surprisingly landing on her boyfriend they kiss and by kiss I mean make out Zayden ending up pulling them apart because nobody wanted to see that they kept taking turns Frankie landing on Ezra
Ezra landing on Lizzy who awkwardly smiled before kissing her
"wow I thought kissing a girl would be a lot different but it's really not" Lizzy says putting some of her hair behind her ear
"so am I a good kisser?" Ezra asks flirtingly
" well out of the three people I've kissed I will have to say yes" Lizzy says the game continues Zayden landing on frankie twice and getting annoyed before they land on Sage they kiss just normally another spin Sage and Ezra another spin zayden and ezra another spin Zayden and Lizzy another spin lizzy and frankie "ew a straight kiss boring! Boo!" Ezra says Lizzy and frankie kiss and the game continues

"This is getting boring let's add a twist 7 minutes in heaven!" Ezra exclaims "but also remember consent is cool....also please don't do it in my closet " she says they all laugh before starting Zayden spins first getting Frankie they both gag but decide to go into the closet anyway they ended up fighting like physically s
Sage had to patch up the little scratches they had next was Sage and Frankie obviously they made out then Lizzy and Ezra
"Alright timer starts in 3...2..1!" Sage says slamming the closet door Lizzy stands awkwardly
"Wanna make out?" Ezra asks " know what sure fuck it" she says

Another few rounds and it ends on Ezra and Zayden
"Alright this is the last round make it count lady and theydy?" Sage says closing the door
"so we gonna make out or?" Zayden asks Ezra rolls her eyes before grabbing Zaydens face smashing there lips together Zayden wrapped there arms around them helping them stay steady as there was a big height difference they continued there weirdly passionate kiss even drawing out moans umtill Sage ripped open the door Frankie grabbing Zayden in a protective matter ripping them away from Ezra who was panting and red faced
"holy shit yall would have totally fucked if we left you guys in there for long enough" Sage says Lizzy and Zayden laugh It off  Ezra scoffs
"Ezra will fuck any she that identifies as a she" Frankie says Ezra shoves him playfully and they ended up getting dressed in there matching pj's and turning on the scary movie meanwhile Zaydens head was still in the closet or should I say there heart? There lips? There mentally still in the closet.

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