8. Hurt

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Second year had begun already. After the internship period, it had been long time since Taehyung saw Jungkook, only that he was seeing him with the same girl, he often saw him hanging out after his classes.

They were in the cafeteria, laughing about something they were gossiping about. Not that Tae was interested in their talks but what possibly funny thing she must have said for him to laugh like that—so heartily?

Taehyung figured out that maybe they were close friends indeed. He has seen her in Jungkook's class. She was pretty.

For some reason Taehyung felt his heart squeeze but not in a good way. What was the matter? She was just his friend, right? Why did he feel something burning in him then, something so unbearingly painful and irritating?

Taehyung sat with Jimin and his friends today. Usually, he used to sit with Jungkook and his friend group. Jungkook mostly sits with him for lunch, he rarely hung out with his class friends.

Taehyung didn't feel like eating a lot. He looked at Jungkook's table for a second and saw how Jieun squeezed his cheek. He rolled his eyes, trying to be subtle about it. But he literally felt like he lost his appetite. He had not even eaten much, Jimin looked at him in concern.

"Tae what happened? Why aren't you eating?" Taehyung flinched, Jimin's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Oh nothing. I just feel sick in stomach. I don't feel like eating." Tae got up and left without uttering any other word. Jimin frowned seeing him walking out of the cafeteria and turned to look at the table a bit far where Jungkook was sitting, with his friends. Jimin raised his eyebrows and sighed. Things were still the same, he assumed.

Taehyung always tries to not bother people around him, he thinks that he should be able to solve his own problems, but sometimes one needs help of people around them.

Taehyung might think he is succeeding in making people think he is fine, but Jimin is his best friend, he knows what each of his small frown might mean. He just hopes for Taehyung to reach out to him, so that he could help him.


"Hey! Tae look!" Jungkook waved at Taehyung when he met him the next day near the corridors.

He was with that same girl he saw Jungkook with the other day. She smiled so brightly. All Taehyung could think of was no reason to be actually mad at her. one had to admit that she was pretty, cute, angelic and sweet. Only such good words could describe her.

"This is Jieun. Jieun this is Taehyungie" Jungkook introduced them. Taehyung almost felt his breath hitch, it was after such a long time that he heard his own name with Jungkook's honey sweet voice.

"Hey" Taehyung made an effort to smile as nicely as he could amidst the storm inside his heart.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! Taehyung?!" Jieun's eyes widened upon knowing that she was meeting him. Taehyung was absolutely taken aback by her enthusiasm to see him.

"Finally! We are meeting! I heard so much about you. Jungkook keeps telling me about you all the time." She smiled looking at Jungkook, when she got to know that she was finally meeting THE KIM TAEHYUNG.

Jungkook shrugged proud to tell her that he was indeed his best friend. Taehyung felt his heart flutter. Jungkook talked to her about him? He thinks of him?

"Hey! it's not like that." Jungkook chuckled, playing it cool.

"Don't lie now. See, Taehyung he is always talking about how good you are at playing video games and at studies, he keeps saying how envious he is of you. When I first got to know that you were his best friend I couldn't even believe that." Taehyung felt insecure when he heard her say that. Why couldn't she believe that...

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