Chapter 9:

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[There might be more sex content, so be warned.]

~The next morning was kind of weird for Green. Blue was wide awake and playing on their Xbox until Green woke up at 6:00 am.~

Green's pov

I woke up by myself in our bed and our TV was on. "Blue, what the fuck are you doing, love?" I saw that he had his headphones on and playing Call of Duty. I also saw that he found a monster and I sighed. "Oh, Blue." I got up and groaned because my side has been hurting for a little while. Probably just a cramp or something. Blue huffed angrily which made me look up and saw the he got shot by a sniper across the map. "Damn it." He said to himself. I sat next to him and he still didn't notice. I watched him play and he wasn't doing too well this time. His match ended and I tapped his arm. "Ah! Son of a bitch, Green." Blue looked at me and smiled a little. "Hey, hon. How long have you been up?" Blue went silent and turned the Xbox off and took his headset off. "Blue?" I stared at him and he sighed. "Been up since 10:00 at night. So like, 8 hours." He smiled at me nervously. "Come to bed. I'll tell the others you couldn't sleep last night." I held his arm and dragged him to bed.

He fell asleep once he lied down. I felt his back and he twitched in his sleep. When I was about to walk out the door and go do chores, Orange came by and saw my face. "You good, Green? How's Blue?" He asked. "Sleeping. He was up all night." I rubbed my eyes then Orange sighed angrily. "Why did they do that to him anyways?" Orange was trying to figure out. "I think it's because Pink wanted to be with Blue even though me and Blue have known each other since forever." Orange looked at me with concern. "So... she wasn't acting that one time pretending to be interested in Blue?" Orange was surprised. "Nope. She wasn't." I shut our door and walked with Orange, talking about stuff.

"So, you think he'll be fine on his own for now?" Orange looked at me. "No. But I don't want to piss Red off. And I hope he gets enough sleep while I'm gone doing chores around the place." I went to go do my chores and Orange went to go do his.

Pink's pov

I saw that Green and Orange walked away and I took my chance to fuck with Blue again. I blushed thinking about hearing him moan a little again. "Ah... I really fucking want to." I opened their door quietly seeing Blue asleep on his side. I approached him and got on the bed carefully. I had the taser  and a rope to hold his hands together. And of course he wouldn't do anything due to how much power the taser had. I moved him onto his back and then tied his hands and I realized he must be a very heavy sleeper. "Oh, damn." I smiled seeing him finally waking up a little. "Hey, handsome." I bit his neck and he squeaked. "What the fuck?! What are--" I put the taser against his side. "Ah!" He jumped a little and started to breathe a little heavy due to the pain. He stared to whine and it made me feel hotter. "Now, you better let me or I'll keep tasing you, blue." I showed him the taser right next to his chest. He tried getting up but I tased him in the ribs and he stopped trying to get up. I bit his neck again and again and felt his dick getting hard, and I knew he couldn't help it and I smiled. "There is a good boy." I put it in my vagina and he kept getting tased and I moaned a little Everytime because I loved the feeling of a little shock and it made me orgasm a lot.

I stopped after an hour and Blue looked annoyed, sad, and that he was upset with himself not being able to do anything. "Aww. Is the big teddy bear upset?" I stroked his chin smiling and giggling. I tased him a few more times before Red came in and saw Blue. "It worked!" Red smiled. "What the fuck do you mean?" Blue asked, angry. "I know you liked Pink Blue!" Red laughed. "Ew, no! Red, you know I'm with Green!" Blue said but then Red tased him as well and he whined due to the pain.

Green's pov (short)

I was still talking with Orange until Pink showed up out of nowhere looking extremely happy. "What did you fucking do?" I asked her an she giggled. "Fuck seems like a strong word, don't you think. Especially in that sentence." Pink walked away and I realized. "Shit!" I ran back to our room but Blue wasn't there. "God damn it!" I went to Reds office and saw Red in there with Blue in the corner covered in blood. "Blue!" I went to walk towards him. "No, Green!!" I heard Red say and seemed to tase me. That's all I remember happening until my vision went black.

Blue's pov

When Red tased Green, Green looked pissed and smacked Red hard enough to break the wall behind him. 'I forgot how strong those arms were.' I stayed there, not being able to stand since Red had stabbed me a few times in my right leg. I saw Green run towards Red and bash through another wall. Red was yelling and screaming which I started to worry a little until I heard Green screech and Red went silent. "Green?" I called out for him. I tried to get up but that didn't really work. "Son of a bitch." I sighed but then heard movement and Green appeared with Red's body, somehow still alive but with a legal and an arm missing, with was on different sides of his body. Green dropped him and stared at me. "Green...?" I started to get a little scared but he just picked me up and hugged me. "Time to go get Pink now." Green said. My eye was wide open knowing what he was going to do. "Green, no!" I felt him let go of me after making sure I had support then left. I was too late he already disappeared down he corridor and then I heard screams. "Shit..." I went to find him and then I saw Pink's limbs scattered in the hallway. "Green, where are you?" I asked and he came around the corner. "Hey, Green." I walked towards him, using the wall for support. Green came towards me and sniffled my hair. "It's me, Green." I touched his shoulder. "What... Happened?" Green sked me end I chuckled. "Nothing too bad." I smiled and he saw blood on his fur and hands. "God damn it. Who did I kill?" Green sighed annoyed at himself. "Just Pink. Sadly Red is still alive." I nuzzled him to calm him down which made him growl.

We dealt with Pinks corpse and limbs and then went to deal with Red. But when we walked over to his office, Red looked at us. "Damn it Green!" I was scared and Green knew it. "Don't you fucking touch him." Green said but Red... transformed? "Green, move!" I pushed Green out of the way and got tackled by Red.

I saw Green trying to help but Red pushed me through a wall. "Ah... God... You fucking... Bitch!" I got Red of of me and heard hi screech. "Shut up, you little fucker!" I got up and chased after Red.

Green's pov

I tried to follow Blue and Red but they disappeared into the dust and walls. "Blue?" I went to go look for him. I heard Red screeching and went that direction. "Blue!" I saw him ripping Red in half but Red had cut his throat really bad, and his chest. 'How has he not bled out yet?' "Blue!!" I saw that he was breathing heavy and whining. "Blue?" I saw two halves of Red drop to Blue's feet, and then saw Blues fur seeming to be zapped every few seconds. He nearly fell over but I caught him just in time. "Blue? Blue! Hey, look at me!" I saw his neck and then his chest. A taser was stuck in hi skin which I didn't want to rip out but did then put my hand on the wound, and his neck. "Come on, Blue. I know you can pull through this. Please." I held him and then went to the place where Red would heal us right away. "Come on, don't be too late." I turned it on and heard it powering up. "Come on, come on." I watched and I saw Blue still breathing. "Come on, you can get through this."

Blue was sleeping peacefully now, and I was very happy he got healed and just sleeping. "Thank God." I held Blue's hand and he started to snore a little.

[ Sorry if this part seemed a little rushed, I'm just getting close to the end of this story, also because I have nothing else I want to add. So I think there will be one last chapter and that'll be it. Hope you enjoyed this part ]

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