Chapter: 6

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Blue's pov

I woke up in me and Green's bed and I felt my side wrapped up. "Dammit." I sat up and yawned. "Blue?" Green yawned and looked at me. "Yeah?" I felt his hands wrap around me and I sighed. "Do you need kisses?" I giggled but felt him staring at my stomach. "I'm kind of chubby, it's normal for me." I scratched his chin gently and he purred. "But... what if I d? And you're just not telling me." Green sighed and I lied down. "You. Need. To. Relax. About this pregnancy thing!" I said annoyed and laughed. "If in 9 months and I give birth to a teal baby then yes you were right. But I do not remember ever having anything a woman should have. Also, some men can be very sensitive and act like a woman when they want to. Taking care of their big or small significant other." I said but Green wasn't amused. I rolled onto my stomach and I kissed him. I felt my eyes feeling heavy. "Just... go back to sleep with me, okay?" I rubbed his chest. "It is only 5 in the morning." Green yawned and I lied on top of him. "Just sleep, okay?" I rubbed his back and giggled, feeling how fluffy he was. "I'm fine. Just fall asleep." I lied on my back and Green curled up around me, and he fell asleep pretty quickly. "I wonder why Pink would say I'm trans. I know I'm not trans or was born female. I've been male forever." I yawned and fell asleep.

~It was a month later, and they had just been talking, hanging out with friends, and doing whatever Red ordered them to do.~

Blue's pov

I felt something on my neck when I woke up, and Green's face was there. "Is he still worried?" I turned around and he growled. "Hey. Wakey wakey." I woke him up gently and he looked at me. "Morning." Green nuzzled me and sighed. "Morning, love." I pet him and sat up, but then I felt something weird in my stomach. 'I swear to God, if I am actually pregnant, then how do I also have a-- Oh...' I paused, thinking if I could actually be both genders and Red just never told me. "Hey... Babe. I just realized... If you did... It Probably means I'm both genders, I just look male but do have things to be able to grow a baby." I said and Green stopped hugging me. "You're serious?" Green asked and he knew I wasn't sure but it could be a possibility. "Well, what would Red think?" Green saw me looking at my hands. "Hey. It'll be okay. If you are, we can handle it." He tried to make me feel better but I just got up and went to walk around. "Hey, Blue." Orange said but I ignored him and went to talk with Red. I reached his office and he looked at me, not surprised in the slightest. "Before you ask. Yes, you are intersex and yes you might be pregnant. But guess what, now you know and will be more careful." Red smiled but he saw me pissed. "Why didn't you tell me?" I walked closer and he tried to defend himself, luckily Green caught up with me and stopped me. "Hey, come on. Blue, let's go get you calmed down." Green held my hand and walked me to the party room.

Green's pov

I heard our friends in the party room. "Well, you want to go back to sleep?" I asked Blue but he shook his head. "Hey, if we knew, we would've been more careful, love. I'm sorry." I nuzzled his neck but he didn't respond. "Blue...?" I took his hand but he walked towards the party room and went to sit in our corner. "Oh, hey, Blue...." Cyan wanted to say hi in a cheerful way but Blue didn't respond. "Blue?" She got up and went to talk with him while I just sat down with Purple who looked like he might've known something. "Is it true?" Purple asked. "We're really hoping it's not. We are not even ready to have one." Me and Purple talked but then I heard Cyan right behind me. "Is it really true?" Cyan asked me. Purple explained and she was kind of upset but understanding, so was Purple. Orange and Yellow were just very confused of what was happening. Red came in with food and saw everyone talking. He probably looked at Blue first and went to him. I wasn't really paying attention because I was trying to figure out things with Purple since Blue was upset with me and himself. "So, do you want to talk about it more with me, Blue?" I heard Red say and Blue got up and followed him. "I will be right back." I got up and followed Blue.

Purple's pov

I was wanting to tell Orange and Yellow but Cyan got to that before me. They looked shocked and were worried. "So that's why Blue has been grumpy more often?" Orange was sad but now understood a lot. Yellow was pacing now because he was worried more about Blue than us. We were all worried, yes but this wasn't a big surprise for me, but I didn't know why. "Well, if he is, we'll let him rest, if not, everything will go back to normal, I hope." I rubbed my arms and Orange comforted me. "I'm gonna go see them and talk to Blue more." Orange headed off and I sat there, Cyan looking at me.

Green's pov

I was sitting down next to Blue on the bed and Blue looked very upset. Red already checked if Blue actually was pregnant, and he isn't which we were glad but that wouldn't change the fact that I could've actually gotten him pregnant. "Blue?" I saw him looking away and not talking. "You know I'm sorry, Blue. Why are you still angry?" I held his hand. "I'm not angry at you, or me. I'm just confused if I was pregnant, how would we take care of it." Blue looked at my hand and rubbed it. "Oh." I sighed and Blue snuggled up next to me. "Yeah. I'm just confused, love. Not angry at all." Blue yawned. I looked at Red and he seemed glad as well. "You guys can go now." Red shooed is off and me and Blue headed to the party room. When we got to our corner, everyone saw how happy Blue was and expected that he wasn't pregnant and very happy. "So...?" Orange came back a few minutes ago apparently wanting to talk to us. Blue shook his head and Orange sighed.

~It was the next day in the afternoon and they were just hanging out. But ever since Green realized he could possibly get Blue pregnant now, he wanted to be more distant from Blue.~

Blue's pov

"Green?" I saw my boyfriend walking away, apperantly not noticing me. "Hey! I got something to tell you." I caught up to him and so did Red. Even though Red was still kinda worried being around us, he'd still help. Green looked at me, worried and confused. "You know... since... I want to be biologically male... Uhhmmmm... Red said he could take out my uterus and other stuff and.... Yeah, you understand, right?" I was nervous but Green kissed me. "Yeah, I understand. It is cool that you want to be more male than female." Green put his hand on my face and I giggled.

I had to wait a year though so Red could make sure I wanted to. I didn't really want to afterwards and Red understood. I thanked him for understanding and let me be, and he left Green alone, too.

[Sorry if this part sounded a little rushed, it's because I had way too many ideas at once and tried to smoosh all of them together, and the chapter is probably a tiny bit short, but I just didn't want it to be super long]

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