Chapter 5

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Green's pov

When we got Blue in the party room to calm down, I felt him growling. "Hey. It's down time for you." I said and rubbed his hand. Blue sat in his beanbag and looked at a toy truck. Purple sighed and sat next to Blue. "Wanna watch something?" Purple asked and Blue looked at them calmly. I turned the VHS on and looked through the movies Red let us have. "How about the movie Tangled?" I asked Blue and he sat next to me and put it in. "I love the music." Blue sounded calmer and everyone was relieved he was calm enough not to break the VHS if it was bing stubborn. Orange and Purple were sitting in their beanbags with snacks and Blue sat down in his, as I went to turn off the lights. I sat down in my beanbag right next to Blue's, but when I looked over at Purple's bean bag, they weren't there. "When did you two get together?" Blue asked, seeing Purple and Orange holding hands and cuddling. "Aww. So cute." I smiled seeing them watching the movie smiling at our comments. "Cute." Blue chuckled and Purple kicked his leg playfully. Blue patted Purple's head and left them alone after that.

It was nice, just watching movies for the rest of the afternoon until I looked at the clock and it was 10:30 PM. "We should go to bed, guys." I said and stretched. "Yeah." Orange said also looking at the time. We turned the lights on, cleaned up our snacks, turned the VHS off and went to bed. When me and Blue were walking back to our room, I remembered what Blue said about marriage and I blushed. 'Does he want to get married?' I thought to myself and kept blushing. "Green?" I heard Blue say and I looked up and heard him giggle. "Thinking about something, hun?" I felt his hands on my face and I felt how cold his hands were, and I knew my face must've been bright red. "Did you actually want to get married...?" I asked him and he sighed. "I said that, didn't I?" Blue sounded sad. "Sorry. I wanted it to be a surprise but I guess I was so tired it just came out." Blue let go of my face. "We don't have to yet if you don't want." Blue nuzzled my neck. "Yeah. I'd like to wait a little longer." I hugged him tightly then we went back to our room.

~It is now the next day, 10 am and everyone was just finished eating breakfast~

Red's pov

I knew Blue wasn't going to let me get near Green. But maybe I could talk to him why it's so important. I don't want to see Blue dead. I want him to be alive and free from Green, I actually kind of liked Blue but that was going to be hard, especially since he's with that blind ass pool noodle. "What am I going to do, Pink?" I asked Pink who I kept secret from the others for a while, even Purple didn't know she existed, which I thought was pretty cool. "You could always introduce me to everyone and I could try to break them up." Pink also had a crush on Blue and I knew that. "Okay... just be nice for now." I got up and called everyone to my office. The first ones I saw were Yellow and Cyan, then Orange, then Purple, but when I saw Blue, he looked angry, and I saw Green hiding behind him. "Everyone. This is Pink, your new friend." I saw everyone's excitement but Blue looked a little confused why she looked so much like him. "Hey, cutie!" Pink said and held Blue's arm. "Uhhhhh......" blue looked like he was about to throw her and Green looked uncomfortable. "" Blue took his arm back and held Green, still staring at Pink. Everyone was surprised by what Pink did and felt awkward. "Anyways. I hope you all get along and not try to kill one another." I said and let them go back to what they were doing.

Pink's pov

I followed Green and Blue and started talking. "So how long have you guys known each other?" I asked and they tried remembering. "For 20 years now. We met when we were 5." Green smiled and held onto Blue's hand tightly. "Yeah. I've known this noodle for a long time. That's why I love him so much." Blue looked at Green who blushed. "Damn. So it would almost be impossible to separate you two...?!" I had to think of a very good strategy now and I could tell Blue heard that in an aggressive tone. "You know if you're gonna try and break us up, good luck." Blue walked away and Green followed close behind him. I walked back to Red's office and he looked unamused. "Figure it out yet?" He asked me seeming like he was smiling. "No, you didn't tell me they've known each other for 20 years!" I yelled at him. "Really? I thought it was pretty obvious." Red got up and walked towards me.

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