Chapter 1: Green x Blue

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[This is my first time ever posting any of my stories before, so I hope you like it! :) ]

Green's pov

When I first met blue we were both 5 years old, and when I first heard his voice, I felt at peace, and felt like he would always be there for me, and I'd be there for him. I've only known Blue for 5 years now, but he hasn't been mean or calling me names about my blindness, or long arms, or anything that doesn't look normal, Blue was just excited to have a new friend. Blue always seemed happier when around me, he loved how adorable I look, how fluffy I am, but I still feel like I'm useless to him due to my blindness. Blue and I can't play many games or do much without him having to help me so I don't run into anything. While I was just sitting in the middle of my room thinking why I exist, I then heard Blue say my name from upstairs. "Hey, Green! I have a game we could play!" Blue came to the basement where I had my own room. "H-hey, Blue. What is it?" I asked while I was trying to find the wall to lean against. "Hey, Green. I know this game might mean that you won't be able to find me easily, but you have amazing hearing! The game is called Marco Polo. It's where the seeker is blindfolded or close their eyes and they have to spin three times carefully but you don't have to spin, and then go look for the people around the room, and they have to dodge the seeker." Blue kept explaining how to play, I just nodded listening to his soothing voice.

"Hey, Blue?" I heard him stop talking. "Yeah, Green? What is it?" Blue asked, and sat closer. "Do you ever think they'll fix my blindness, and if so... Will you still be my friend?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes. "Of course! I love being your friend, I don't care if your blind or not. I want to be there with you! Always and forever!" Blue hugged me and I felt loved. "Thank you... blue." I felt his face nuzzle my chest and I blushed, he always wanted me to be happy, even though through bad days, he'd try his best, but before I could nuzzle him back, Red came in with food. "Hey kids! Here's dinner." Red sounded tired but glad to see us. "Thanks, Red!" Blue said and went to grab the food for me and him. "You're getting bigger every day, Blue. You're almost 6 feet tall already!" Red sounded happy. Blue just chuckled and Red left after giving us a hug and saying goodnight. I felt lonely after Blue gave me my food, hugged me and said goodnight. I hated hearing my door shut, and only me and my thoughts in the room, I want to hurt myself, just for someway to stop thinking about killing everyone and everything, just to put an end to my suffering and keep my love, Blue, safe from me.

I remember that night I was scratching at the walls in anger, scratching myself, and everything was covered in bloody claw marks. Red came down at 10:00 pm after hearing yelling down here and saw what had happened. "Green?!" I could hear him running to me. "Red?" I felt his hands on my hands and it felt like he was shaking. "I'M SORRY, RED! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!!" I cried in his arms. He helped me get to the bathroom to take a shower, of course he had to make sure no one else saw otherwise they would ask questions, but it was kind of difficult because I was already 7 feet tall and can't see. Blue was upstairs walking around so Red distracted him while I tried to walk quietly to the bathroom, which I knew where it was now. Unfortunately I forgot I had squeaky paws, so when I leaned one hand to hard on the wall, it squeaked. Blue was about to look behind him but Red distracted him, and that gave me enough time to hide in the bathroom. I listened to the conversation after closing the door.

"You should be going to bed soon. Wanna tell me why you're up?" Red asked. "Hungry." Blue said. "Okay, come on let's get you a sandwich." It sounded like Red took him to he kitchen. I sat down next to the showers waiting for Red. I heard Blue walk past the door and said goodnight to Red, then Red came in and took care of me, and told me I can find Blue and curl up somewhere in his room while he cleans my room for an hour. "Are you sure?" I sounded tired, and he sighed. "Don't worry it's only like... 10:30 at night, I got it." He scrubbed the blood off my fur gently and then washed off all the soap. He sounded like he was upset with everything. "How about, instead of doing this, talk to Blue okay. I know you can't really tell how many scratches are everywhere on you but... There's way too many. I'm surprised you didn't bleed out." He handed me a towel and told me he was going to get Blue. "Wait, what?!" I started to get scared because Blue would freak out. 'I can't let him know I did this to myself, God dammit! I don't want him to freak out!' I was drying myself off quickly while sitting on the towel on the floor. I heard footsteps and I heard Red's voice sounding nervous.

"Don't be too harsh, okay?" Red was about to open the door. "Why?" Blue asked but then I heard the door open. "Oh my god, what happened??" Blue asked and sat next to me. I was relieved Blue didn't get angry, just worried. I heard Red tell Blue to be careful and help him with the bandages and make sure I didn't scratch them. It was a couple hours later, and they were wrapping the last cut, and I had a lot of bandages around my chest and back, not much on my limbs, and I surprisingly only had a few scratches on my face and back of my head. Blue helped me up and brought me to his room. Red took care of my room but it was now 12:30 at night, so I felt bad. After that night, Blue taking care of me for the rest of the night, I never really wanted to leave his room, he was so sweet and kind.

It was a week later then I was able to be in my room, but Blue and Red were really worried so Blue took me to my room and he put my hand on what they call a bean bag, except huge. "And it's Green!" Blue said sounding happy but with a little worry in his voice. "Thanks, Blue." I sat down in it and Blue chuckled. "Well, I'm gonna a go upstairs for a bit, then I'll come back down with games, maybe board games, like... Sorry, maybe shutes and ladders, and I can help you with all of it,I don't mind!" Blue sounded happy which caused me to let out a giggle. Blue said bye and went upstairs.

~15 years later~

Green's pov

I finally got glasses, I'm so happy that I can now see, and I didn't realize how adorable Blue looked. But a thing happened a... few days ago... Is it now bedtime? Yes, as I looked at my alarm clock and it was 9:30 Ever since I tried to tell Blue what Red had been experimenting on me, because I realized I've been getting worse instead of better. "Does Red want to make me a monster! I already look like a god damn pool noodle! Why is he making me worse than I already am??" Apperantly I was now yelling and Blue was coming to check up on me, but I was scared because after I tore myself up and nearly killed Red, Blue was never allowed in to see the blood stained walls, floor, and ceiling, plus the claw marks.

Once I heard Blue knock I made sure I leaned my body against the door so he couldn't barge in. "Hey, Green? I know you don't want me to come in but no one has seen you in two weeks. What happened to you, buddy?" Blue asked me and I just started panicking. "Has it really been two weeks already?!" I just started to sob in front of my door, Blue heard me sobbing violently and got worried. I hid in the corner of my room and Blue could probably hear me tripping over my own feet and crashing to the floor, but then I heard my door get broken off the hinges and flung across my room. I saw Blue looking at my room for a second in horror. "Green?!" I saw him run to me, not caring about my room anymore, just me. I didn't even realize I scratched at him, yelling at him not to touch me. "...fuck..." I thought I heard him say but didn't know what I did. Blue still sat in front of me and held my face in his hands. That made me cry harder because all he wanted to do was to comfort me and nothing else. "Blue... I'm..." I was interrupted by him checking my face and checking my arms, which I remembered I did make new cuts and I felt horrible. When I saw him cry because he hurt so much to see me like this, I didn't know what to do except let him take care of me. "Dammit Green, you scare me so much some days." I heard him say and I smiled painfully.

"Hey, Blue?" "Yeah?" He looked like he was about to have a breakdown. "Random question? How tall are you?" "I'm 11 feet. WHY ARE YOU ASKING THIS?" "Because... Just curious... And also because I'm 12 feet." I smiled but then felt my chest hurting and I was drooling blood. Blue put pressure on the wound and I gripped onto his shoulders. "Come on buddy. Come here." Blue wrapped his arm around my waist to help me walk and to keep pressure on the wound. He helped me walk up the stairs to the bathroom, and I sat down next to the shower. "I'll have to get the shower running so I can see look clearly since you're entire body is covered in scratches... Okay?" Blue sounded out of breath and I could smell fresh blood, which wasn't mine. "Blue? Are you okay?" I asked but he just smiled. "Don't worry about me. You're in a worse condition than I am." He sighed and I could hear how hurt he was in his voice and I hated that he would shrug off his pain and make sure his friends were okay. "Blue, please. You're hurt. Tell me where it hurts the most and I can help you, too." "No. Like I said... I'm... fine." Blue got up and went to turn the shower on but he limped over there and I got worried and tried to get up. "What'd I say?" Blue sounded annoyed.

"Blue?" I tried to get up but Blue took my hands and put them on his sides. "You happy, now?" Blue chuckled. "No." I said and tried to look at his side. "No, please don't!" Blue freaked out and I was startled, and slightly angry. "Just... Oh. Hi." Blue was right next to my face and we were very close to accidentally kissing. "I'm gonna go start your shower." He got up but I felt sad for some reason and didn't know why.

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