The Aftermath

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Author's Note:
[Since this sort of addresses many different points of view, I didn't want to ignore what Olivia was going through so I put her experience in between what was happening. Not sure if it works, and sorry if it made the transitions a bit awkward.]

The courtroom buzzed with the low hum of conversations as people took their seats, awaiting the day's proceedings. Rafael Barba, calm and collected on the surface, scanned the room, his gaze stopping briefly on Olivia in the gallery. She offered him a supportive nod, her presence an unwavering constant in the unpredictable currents of the trial.

Elliot Stabler, sitting stiffly, tried to mask his anxiety, his eyes occasionally meeting Olivia's, seeking reassurance and unspoken understanding.

As the judge called the room to order, a sudden commotion at the back of the courtroom cut through the air. A man, seemingly out of place, his eyes nervously darting around, made his way through the crowd. His hand trembled inside his jacket, clutching the cold reality of his mission.

Olivia, ever the detective, noticed him instantly. Her instincts screamed danger. She leaned forward, trying to discern his intentions. Rafael, sensing her shift in attention, followed her gaze.

The man's movements were abrupt, his intentions becoming horrifyingly clear as he pulled out a gun, aiming it straight at Olivia. Time seemed to slow as shouts of alarm rose in the courtroom.

"Olivia!" Rafael's voice was a mix of fear and warning.

Elliot, reacting with the instinct of a protector, lunged towards Olivia, his own safety forgotten in the face of imminent danger.

The gun went off, the sound reverberating through the room like a thunderclap. Chaos ensued, people screaming and ducking for cover. In the midst of it all, Olivia felt a searing pain rip through her, her body instinctively crumpling to the ground.

In that moment, as the bullet struck her, Olivia's world narrowed to a tunnel of sharp pain and disorienting chaos. Her thoughts were a jumble — flashes of Noah's face, the weight of her badge, and faces of those she had sworn to protect. A fervent wish that Noah would be safe, that he wouldn't have to face the world without her, echoed in her mind.

Rafael, his heart racing with terror, fought his way through the pandemonium, his focus solely on reaching Olivia. His mind raced with fear and desperation, every second feeling like an eternity until he was by her side.

"Olivia!" he called out, his hands trembling as he tried to assess her wound, his legal persona shattered by the raw fear of losing her.

Elliot Stabler, his instincts as a detective moved swiftly. He lunged at the shooter, tackling him to the ground. The courtroom erupted in a frenzy, with officers and security swarming the assailant.

Paramedics rushed in, their swift and professional actions a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil surrounding them. As they attended to Olivia, Rafael held her hand, his eyes locked on hers, silently pleading with her to hold on.

The sounds of the courtroom — screams, shouts, the rush of people — seemed distant as hands urgently worked to stem the bleeding. Through the haze of pain, she saw Rafael, his face etched with fear and determination as he held her hand, his voice a steady anchor amidst the tumult. "Stay with me, Liv," he urged, but his voice sounded as if it was coming from far away.

In that moment, everything else faded. The trial, legal strategies, and Wheatley's manipulations became insignificant compared to Olivia's life hanging in the balance. The courtroom, once a battleground of legal prowess, transformed into a scene of human vulnerability and stark reality.

- - -

Outside the courtroom, the atmosphere was thick with tension and disbelief. The shooting had not only endangered lives but had also exposed the depths of Wheatley's desperation and ruthlessness.

From Shadows to LightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz