Unlikely Partners

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The precinct was alive with the muted buzz of law enforcement at work when Rafael Barba entered, his steps measured, his presence a stark contrast to the uniformed haste around him. Each step toward the interrogation room deepened his resolve, knowing the gravity of what was at stake.

As he reached for the door to the interrogation room, he allowed himself a brief moment to gather the facade of professional detachment necessary for the encounter ahead. Inside, the detectives flanked a resolute Elliot Stabler, their body language a testament to the escalating pressure.

The detectives turned, surprise etching their features as they registered the interruption.Rafael didn't miss a beat. "I'll be representing Mr. Stabler from here on out," he announced, his voice slicing through the tension. "Please, don't speak to my client any further without me present."

The detectives backed off with reluctance, their eyes exchanging silent conversation before filing out with a shuffle of feet and paperwork. Elliot's hardened gaze flickered with a complex blend of surprise and immediate distrust.

"Barba?" His voice was laced with skepticism, the underlying tension between them palpable. "What are you doing here?"

Barba maintained a cool exterior as he positioned himself across from Elliot, the chair giving a sharp squeal of protest. He set down his briefcase with deliberate calmness to avoid the trap of personal engagement. "This isn't about us, Stabler. It's bigger than that," he said crisply.Elliot's gaze narrowed, mistrust battling with the reality of his situation. "So, this is about Olivia," he deduced, the mention of her name carrying an unspoken weight of history and complicated loyalty.

"Let's just say I'm here to clean up a mess that threatens to spill over to innocent lives," Barba retorted, fanning out documents with methodical care. "I need your cooperation to get ahead of Wheatley's game."

A muscle twitched in Elliot's jaw, his eyes steely with determination. "And I suppose we're just going to pretend we don't despise each other while we do this?" he challenged.

Rafael met Elliot's gaze, his expression unfaltering. "We'll do more than pretend. We'll cooperate because it's necessary. Now let's start by going over what happened — from the top."

Elliot leaned back, the ghost of past conflicts simmering between them, overshadowed by the urgency of their common goal.

The fluorescent lights in the interrogation room cast long shadows as Rafael Barba got up and started to pace a tight line in front of the one-way mirror. Elliot Stabler sat across the table, his hands clenched together, his jaw set in a hard line. It had been a tense few minutes since Barba had instructed the detectives to cease their questioning.

"Tell me about what happened after the night you got ambushed," Barba finally said, his voice breaking the silence.

Elliot leaned back in his chair, running a hand over his face before he began recounting the events that led up to his encounter with Wheatley.

"They sent photos, Barba," Elliot continued, and Barba's pace stopped abruptly. "Photos of Liv and Noah. Someone was watching them at the park, capturing their every move."

Hearing this, Barba felt a surge of cold dread. "I need to call Fin," he said tersely, reaching for his phone. "She just went home—alone."

Elliot's reaction was instantaneous, his chair scraping back as he surged to his feet, the sound sharp in the quiet room. "You let her go home alone? After knowing Wheatley's back and gunning for us?" His voice was a tight coil of fury, barely contained.

The tension in the interrogation room was tangible as Barba held the phone to his ear, watching Elliot pace like a caged animal. His voice was low as he spoke to Fin, conveying the urgency of the situation without causing alarm. After a few terse words and the promise of swift action, he ended the call and looked up to meet Elliot's storm-tossed eyes.

"It's done. Fin's on his way to her now," Barba said, placing his phone on the table with a deliberate steadiness. The click of the device on the hard surface seemed to punctuate the gravity of the moment.

Elliot's anger held him rigid, the muscles in his neck taut as he breathed heavily through the adrenaline. He slammed a hand on the table, the sound echoing. "Wheatley or his people could have gotten to her by now. You know what he's capable of, he's—"

Elliot stopped pacing, his posture still defensive, his distress an undercurrent that couldn't be stilled. "...what if we're too late?" The question hung in the air, a dire possibility neither wanted to entertain.

Barba held Elliot's intense gaze, the decision between them made without words. "We need to call Olivia, make sure she's okay until Fin gets there," he said, reaching for the phone again.

Rafael Barba maintained a controlled front as he dialed Olivia's number, yet the fine lines of concern etched on his forehead betrayed an uncharacteristic tension. His finger paused over the phone, betraying a hesitation that was rare for him, a man usually so sure in his actions.

The phone's persistent ring in the silence of the interrogation room felt louder with each pass, the unanswered calls piling up like weights in the pit of his stomach. Elliot's pacing grew more pronounced with each passing second.

"Come on Liv," he whispered, as if willing her to answer.

"She has to answer," Elliot growled, his voice thrumming with fear.

Barba's effort to keep detached wavered as the phone continued to ring. "Maybe she's asleep," he suggested, trying to infuse some hope into the tense atmosphere.

His words seemed to do little to abate the mounting alarm.

Barba hit redial, feeling the press of Elliot's gaze like a physical force as he waited for an answer. Elliot resumed his pacing, each stride an echo of their escalating anxiety.

When the call ended abruptly in voicemail, the frustration and fear in Elliot cracked through his hardened exterior. He slammed his hands on the table, a stark sound against the continuous hum of the precinct outside.

Rafael put the phone down, its clap against the table sounding a finality that neither man appreciated. "I'm reaching out to Fin again," he said, his tone firmer than before, but the subtle shaking of his hands as he typed the message revealed his inner turmoil.

Elliot stood still for a moment, the concern for Olivia's safety revealing rare vulnerability. "I should've killed him when I had the chance," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, but it was enough to slice through the tension.

Barba nodded, not trusting himself to speak further. He was used to advocating in courtrooms, to arguing with a calculated coldness. But now, as the fear for Olivia's safety grew, his usual reserve began to crack. He could feel the panic setting in, but he knew he couldn't let it control him in this situation. Elliot was emotional enough for the both of them, he had to show restraint even though every muscle in his body just wanted to rush to see if she was okay.

"There's a protocol in place," Barba finally said, his tone reflecting a trace of personal investment he usually kept well hidden. "And Fin will follow through."

The enforced calm with which Barba spoke was more for his benefit than for Stabler's. It was a mantra to keep the dread at bay, a dread that gnawed just as hungrily at him as it did at Elliot. Their shared silence was heavy, filled with unspoken fears and the harsh reality of their vulnerability in the wake of Wheatley's shadows.

From Shadows to Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें