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A week had elapsed since Rafael's admission to the hospital, and his condition remained stagnant, his vitals neither worsening nor improving. They had implemented strict visitor restrictions for his safety, but Olivia found herself spending most nights by his side, balancing her time between her duties as a captain, her role as a mother, and her concern for Rafael.

She had even coordinated a short visit for Noah, noticing how much he missed his 'Uncle Rafa'. It appeared that they had been in touch, a stark contrast to her own strained relationship with Rafael. Olivia couldn't help but reflect on the simplicity of a child's perspective, where grudges held no weight and forgiveness was second nature.

During this week of introspection and restless nights, Olivia's thoughts were incessant, and sleep was elusive. The machines surrounding Rafael provided a strange sort of comfort, their consistent hum a reminder that he was still fighting.

Lucia, ever the caring mother, brought meals to Olivia, though they were received with a pang of guilt. These were meals should have been for her son, not for her. And in her heart, she couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't deserve them.

Fin, her steadfast second-in-command, had managed to visit once amidst the chaos. He took on the brunt of the workload in her absence, providing Olivia the space she needed.

"Liv, you don't have to apologize. We've got everything under control here. Just focus on Rafael and Noah," Fin assured her over the phone, sensing her unspoken gratitude and worry.

"Have we identified the target yet?" Olivia inquired, a hint of urgency in her voice.

"It's complicated. Initially, we thought we had the shooter, but things aren't adding up. There's a possibility we're dealing with a more complex scenario than we anticipated. We're digging deeper, trying to ensure we get to the bottom of this."

Her heart sank. Rafael had always stood against injustice, never backing down from a fight for what was right. The realization hit her like a wave; he had been trying to shield her all along.

"Liv, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Fin. Thanks again. Keep me posted," she responded, her voice barely above a whisper, as she ended the call and allowed the tears to flow.

Author's Note:
Don't get me wrong. I used to be full Bensler when I was young, but as I got older and rewatched the series, my opinions of Stabler have changed a bit. You'll see it in the next part.

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