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The period of recovery for Barba was filled with visits and support from friends and family. However, it also came with its share of drama, especially when Elliot Stabler entered the scene.

"Barba, man, you had us all worried," Carisi admitted during one of the squad's visits.

"Yeah, I think I remember hearing your voice before everything went black. I was afraid it would be the last thing I'd ever hear, which would have been quite unpleasant."

"Very funny, Barba," Carisi retorted, rolling his eyes, though he couldn't help but join in as the room filled with laughter.

The atmosphere shifted to one of pure joy as Noah burst into the room, his excitement barely contained. "Uncle Rafa!" he shouted, running straight towards the bed.

"Hey, Noah, take it easy. He's still recovering," Olivia reminded her son, though her words were more gentle than they were stern.

Rafael opened his arms for a hug, smiling up at Olivia as he did so. She looked better, he noted. The last time he saw her, her eyes were red and swollen from crying. It had broken his heart.

"I knew you'd wake up, Uncle Rafa! I told Mom she should've stopped crying because you'd be sad if you saw her like that," Noah said, his innocence cutting through the laughter and leaving a silence in its wake.

Rafael squeezed Noah gently, his eyes meeting Olivia's. "Well, thank you for believing in me, Noah," he said softly before kissing the boy's forehead.

Realizing the moment needed to be private, the squad quickly made their excuses to leave, with Fin taking Noah with him. He shot Olivia a knowing look on his way out, leaving her alone with Rafael.



"I..." "We..." They both began at the same time, laughter breaking the tension.

"Rafa, I know I messed things up before, and I hope you'll give me a chance to—"

He cut her off, reaching for her hand. "Liv, you don't have to ask. I knew from the moment I woke up and saw you there. I'm just glad we're good now. I really missed you."

"I missed you too, Rafa," she said, her voice full of emotion as she moved in for a hug.

"Liv... that still hurts."

She pulled away immediately, panic in her eyes, but he just smirked. "Gotcha."

Rolling her eyes, she moved to pull away, but he pulled her back into a hug, whispering, "I love you," into her ear.

Before she could respond, a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Elliot Stabler said, standing in the doorway, his face a mix of frustration and annoyance.

"Unless you're blind, detective, it's pretty clear you are," Barba retorted, his tone sharp as he untangled himself from Olivia's embrace.

Stabler's ears turned red, and his frustration was evident as he glanced between Olivia and Barba. "I need to talk to her," he said, his voice tense.

"I see you've put your wedding ring back on, detective," Barba noted, locking eyes with Stabler in a piercing stare.

"Just shut up and let me talk to her. Liv, we need to speak. Now."

"El, I don't think—" Olivia began, glancing back at Barba.

"I said now!"

His raised voice fueled her anger. Who did he think he was, coming in here and demanding her attention like this, especially when Rafael was still recovering? She stood her ground, getting in his face. "El, get out."

"You're really choosing him over me, Liv?"

Her glare intensified. "Get out," she repeated, her voice low and dangerous.

Without another word, she dragged Stabler out of the room, leaving Barba alone, his heart racing, but with a newfound sense of closure and assurance in where he and Olivia stood.

"What's this about, El?"

"I've been trying to reach you; you've been ignoring my calls. I needed to see you. I thought maybe you just weren't ready back then."

"El, I just think we're better off apart."

"You won't even listen to what I have to say!" His voice began to rise, a note of desperation in it.

"El, lower your voice and calm down, or leave. I'm not going anywhere."

"He defended Wheatley, Liv! He attacked you on the stand and let Kathy's killer walk free."

"Things are complicated, El. They became even more complicated when you came back."

"'Complicated'? Is that what you're calling it? Taking sides with him?"

"El, just stop. This isn't the time or place. We can talk later if we need to."

"No, I want to talk about this now!" His voice was loud enough now to draw attention, and a nurse quickly approached.

"Sir, this is a hospital. You need to lower your voice and calm down."

"Why does everyone think they can tell me what to do today?"

"Sir, please leave now, or I will have to call security."

"I am security! I'm a police officer."

Unfazed, the nurse picked up the phone and began to dial, while Olivia, with a gentle but firm hand, tried to guide Stabler towards the elevator.

[Author's Note]:
I am trying to figure out where to go from here. It might take some time for the next part, or maybe not. We'll see.

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