The Trial Part 2

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The courtroom resumed its somber procession as day two of Elliot Stabler's trial unfolded. The prosecution's strategy was clear: paint a picture of unbridled violence, of a man who let his badge weigh too heavy on the scales of personal vendetta. Their key player was Dr. Elaine Choi, a forensic medical expert whose testimony was expected to turn abstract violence into stark, incontrovertible fact.

As Dr. Choi was sworn in, the murmur of the gallery subsided into a hush. Rafael Barba, tried to remain calm and collected, observing the expert from his place at the defense table, ready to jump on any overstep of speculation or bias.

"Dr. Choi," the prosecutor began, her voice steady, "can you describe the extent of Mr. Wheatley's injuries for the jury?"

With clinical detachment, Dr. Choi replied, "Mr. Wheatley suffered severe trauma to the face, including a broken nose and orbital fractures. There was also a ruptured eardrum, likely caused by a direct blow to the ear, and multiple rib fractures."

"And in your expert opinion, do these injuries suggest a specific level of force used against Mr. Wheatley?"

"Yes," Dr. Choi said, adjusting her glasses. "The injuries indicate a level of force that is... excessive and sustained. Such injuries are consistent with a brutal and prolonged attack."

The courtroom's air seemed to thicken with the weight of her words. From the jury box, there were furrowed brows and the occasional wince as the reality of Wheatley's battered state was laid bare in stark medical terms.

As Dr. Choi's testimony concluded and Rafael Barba stood for cross-examination, the courtroom's atmosphere was charged with anticipation. He knew the prosecution's portrayal of Elliot's actions as excessive could be damning if unaddressed.

"Dr. Choi," Rafael began, his tone respectful yet probing, "you've detailed Mr. Wheatley's injuries extensively. Could these injuries also be consistent with a scenario where the attacker is trying to subdue someone they perceive as a direct threat?"

"It's possible," Dr. Choi admitted after a moment's consideration, "especially if they perceive a threat to their life or safety."

"And is it also possible for someone, especially a trained police officer, to act with such force under the adrenaline of perceived danger without the intention of causing such severe harm?" Rafael continued, building on this thread.

"Yes, adrenaline can result in increased strength and a heightened response to perceived threats," the expert conceded, shifting slightly in her seat under Rafael's measured gaze.

Rafael nodded, "Thank you, Dr. Choi. No further questions." He sat down, feeling a mix of satisfaction and trepidation. He had managed to introduce the notion of adrenaline and threat perception but knew he had to pivot sharply.

As the witness stepped down and the next was called, the rhythm of the trial continued. The prosecution lined up their witnesses like chess pieces, each one contributing to their strategy to corner Elliot into the role of a rogue cop who took the law into his hands. But Rafael Barba was a grandmaster at this game, anticipating moves, countering with precision, and always keeping an eye on the endgame.

The judge's call for a recess till the following day gave everyone a moment to breathe, to gather their thoughts, and brace for what was to come. The battle was far from over, but Rafael Barba's performance today had given them a fighting chance.

- - -

While Rafael Barba's focus was confined within the courtroom, Olivia Benson and her team were fervently working to connect the dots outside of it.

Detective Fin Tutuola stared at his screen, a web of connections taking shape with Richard Wheatley at its center. "Wheatley's got his hands in too many pots, but not enough prints on the ladle," Fin muttered.

Amanda Rollins, pouring over financial records and phone transcripts, looked up. "He's careful, but everyone slips. We just need to find out where he lost his footing."

The team had been working around the clock. Phone records, bank statements, and associations—everything was being scrutinized for the slightest hint that could connect Wheatley to Barba's shooting and the psychological warfare against Olivia.

Olivia Benson wasn't in the courtroom to see Rafael deliver his cross-examination, but she was intimately aware of the stakes. While Rafael took on the legal battle, she waged her own war against time and shadows, piecing together evidence that could dismantle Wheatley's empire of crime and vindicate Elliot. Her trust in Rafael's courtroom prowess was unwavering, yet she felt the undercurrent of unease that came with not being there to lend support.

Fin got up, wheeled over a whiteboard scribbled with timelines and names. "If we can prove he ordered the hit on Barba, it's a direct line to everything else he's touched. It validates Stabler's concerns and shows Wheatley's pattern of intimidation."

Olivia looked on, her gaze firm. "Wheatley's smart. He wouldn't order something so risky without a buffer. Find the buffer."

Meanwhile, surveillance footage from the days leading up to the placement of photos in Olivia's home yielded a glimpse of a figure—a link to Wheatley's inner circle. They needed more than just footage; they needed physical evidence, something that would directly point to Wheatley giving the order.

The detectives knew that Wheatley operated through layers of separation, never getting his own hands dirty. The challenge was peeling back those layers to reveal his involvement. Intel had come in that one of Wheatley's known associates had been spotted near the courthouse. "Maybe he's getting nervous, wants eyes on the situation," Olivia speculated.

They were also looking into the arrested suspect for Barba's shooting, previously thought to be a closed chapter. They knew he was just a pawn in Wheatley's game, a scapegoat set up to take the fall while the true mastermind remained untouched.

Olivia's team asked the detectives that re-interviewed the incarcerated shooter to look for inconsistencies in his testimony, for traces of Wheatley's influence. It was a meticulous process, sifting through old case files, interrogation transcripts, and any communication that could link him to Wheatley. The detectives were more than willing to help, but Carisi went along to close the deal.

As Carisi sat across from the man whose life had been railroaded by Wheatley's deceptions, he pressed for truth. "We know you didn't act alone," he stated firmly, watching his reaction. "Help us make this right."

The man hesitated, his resolve waning under the weight of years lost and the promise of redemption. Finally, he divulged a crucial piece of information — a transaction that didn't add up, a meeting he never had, a contact he couldn't explain. It was the break they needed.

With newfound evidence in hand, she called Rafael immediately. "We have something," she said, a mix of triumph and gravity in her voice. "Our shooter wasn't acting on his own volition. He's ready to talk about Wheatley's role in his actions."

In the courtroom, during a recess, Rafael stepped aside to take Olivia's call. The corridors echoed with the footsteps of attorneys and the subdued conversations of legal strategies. But for Rafael, Olivia's voice cut through it all, grounding him in the purpose of their shared fight. "Keep digging," he encouraged her, "Every piece you uncover gives us more leverage here."

The trial was just the surface struggle; the real battle was unraveling Wheatley's web of corruption and protecting those caught within it.

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