Chapter 9

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"No" Adam said, "Don't look at me like that, I ain't your dad" annoyance was clear in his tone. Relief washed over me listening to those 4 words. It would've been so fucking awkward.

"The guy earlier today" she spoke, why haven't I asked her name yet? What is Rosa named in this life? I interrupted her without realising "What's your name?" she paused, looking me she said "Camilia"

Camilia. I smiled. Her name meant helper of the priest. What is she helping me with? Is she a sign of something? Just like the old lady was.

"As I was saying" she said smiling back , as if reading my brain. She was well aware of what i was thinking. How was she doing that even after-
I shake my head focusing back on her words. "The guy who called Ophelia Vivian was him" she said. I raised my brows in amusement.

Young lad was my dad once? Weirdest shit in this world. I sighed deeply, what web did god create for me this time? "Do you want to meet him?" She asked me, I nodded without thinking. Once I realized what I have said yes to I tried calling her name "Camilia" Adam who was following her gestured for me to follow him. How do they both know each other?

A lot of questions about the past, the present and the future. Yet I don't want to jump in the trap of destiny. Then again when has god given me what I wanted? I reluctantly stood up following Camilia and my brother.

I go out to see a black expensive looking car standing there my eyebrows raise up amused. Luxury car ride doesn't look bad, maybe I can jump in the trap of destiny. We start walking in it's direction, going nearer and nearer. Soon we were past the car. 'Yea that's destiny to you Oliver' I thought to myself. Camilia noticed my straight disappointed expression.

"What? You thought we are Zuckerberg's relative?" She asked me giggling my brother joined her. I roll my eyes as we keep walking soon I see him. I still don't feel as if I am near my father from past life.
Usually I am able to tell who was who if the person was close to me in past. For some reason I cannot do the same right now.

I reached the place. The guy had ginger hair and really cute face. He looks like a person who can be casted in any drama for high school theme. His button nose and almond eyes gave him a innocent Asian look. His smile, bright, gorgeous and reflected the stars in his eyes.
"Chris" he said thrusting his hand infront of me. I take his hand "Oliver. Oliver Kessler" we both shake hands. I stare right in his eyes and smile. Awkward one on that too.

What do I say to him 'Oh hey, I heard you fathered me 100 years ago and died, lets bond and clear up my daddy issues' No I literally have two fathers in this life, I'll pass. He did not leave my hand till now, I mean the ladies sure do love firm hands but let's get real, I am no man attracting piece of work.

He looks like a bottom who- Why am I thinking that? I suppressed the groan that rose to my throat glancing towards my hand, which was still a hostage between Chris's hand, "You look so different" He spoke with affection. I mean of course I look different, I AM ON MY NEXT LOOK, literally. I awkwardly laughed blinking my eyes in morse code for help.

Oh wait I don't know morse code, damn it I should learned instead of those Video game cheat codes. "How can you-". I started to ask him the obvious question swirling my brain, only to get interrupted by my so called father.

"How can i tell you are you? Because I just can" Talk about vague replies, I thought rolling my eyes.
"But how can I not tell, that you are you. No offence, dude, but what if you are some maniac going on with this story just of entertainment's sake?"

"Fair point, alright, i have a proof of that too" He said pulling the sleeve of his hoodie up. "Look" He said pointing his fore arm. There was a birth mark. Exactly at the place where my father had a scare from his previous life. He got it when he was in his mid 20s , when a big chunk of melted glass fell on his skin. It never really disappeared completely.

"Crystal's birth mark" he said. He named his wound as it was the day he met mom. He worked in a glass workshop. He said my mom's beauty distracted him as she entered the workshop to give her order. That's when a slight part of hot glass landed on his skin. Crystal's birth, meant the entrance of my mom in his life.

"Your mom is still with me in some form, even in this life" Its a little weird as its coming from a young dude. But it is what it is, I am still a little suspicious but its not like I have a reason not to believe him.

"alright since this father son meet cute is over now, I have a Job to get back to, and you have baseball practice" My unofficial dad, I mean my brother said. I rolled my eyes and said "Alright" as I started walking away

"Wait" Camilia called, I turned around. She gave me a note with her number on it "For your own sake" She said winking. 'whatever' I thought and followed Adam who was already a yard ahead of me. Fast walkers.

Oh shit! I forgot to ask what's Ophelia's real name. Fuck!


"Vivian?" she said confused as i nodded. "I know right? Why would someone confuse me with you, clearly I am way more pretty" I said teasing her. In reality Vivian looked like straight out of a magazine's front cover. Her hour-glass body and brunette hair with those serene eyes made her look like a goddess. But i cant just tell her that, her ego is already to high. Someone's gotta keep these pretty lady humble.

"I don't even think i had some assignment related appointment really" She says and I squint my eyes. "What?" She says knowing exactly what i am trying to convey.

"She wants to say you are forgetful" Chrissy said earning a glare from her, he sipped on his milkshake ignoring it and went back to scrolling his phone.

"I am not-'' she tries to say only to be cutoff by me

"You forgot your wallet at cafe yesterday"

"Humans make mistakes, big deal"

"You forgot you had math lecture day before that"

"No maths is boring and I did that on purpose"

"I ask you about it, you replied with 'I have taken maths in my syllabus?'"

"I was trying to be funny"

"You forgot you took your niece to a park last summer, and came home without he-"

"Okay! i get it!" She said finally gave up. Rolling her eyes she told me "But i am certain I didn't have any meetup yesterday. I swear" I believed her because she sounded sincere.

"Hey guys check this out" Chris said turning her phone around. It was universities official website. And a list of students in our year. I looked up at Chris frowning." What am i supposed to look at exactly?"

Vivian said voicing my thoughts "Look at our names" We tried looking for our pictures. Then we saw it....


Omgg finally updating this book. It feels so nice to write again. I missed writing so much. Ahhhhh. Now i might finally complete this book. Wooooohoooooo! Toodalooo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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