chapter 2

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We were kissing. My lips attached to his, and we were equally hungry for each other. We didn't care about the world around us. He kept calling me moon. His yellow hair were soft and silky.

He was shining. He was warm and bright. He was perfect for me. He made my darkness run away. I called him my sun.

His lips were still on me going down and down until it reaches my neck. His hands were all around me. He devoured me like I am his last meal and I couldn't do anything but enjoy it.

"Emily" I heard. I am your moon, not Emily. I wanted to say. But words didn't come out. "Emily" his voice became distant and feminine. I frowned at he was going back and back . My hands were trying to reach him. But I couldn't move.

"Emily!" I opened my eyes. My lungs felt short of breath and my cheeks went warm. My mother stood there staring at me. It was a dream. My heart broke, this dream felt so familiar, so real. My body just felt more hollow. I tried to remember hi face. I don't know who the boy is and how does he looks like. The only thing is that he radiates like sun and his hairs are not blond but yellow.

"Are you going to be late for your university today too?" She asked me raising an eyebrow. I glanced towards the clock. "oh shit " i say sitting up with such a speed I might've dislocated something.

But luckily I was okay, still one piece. I sighed getting out of my comfortable bed and making my way to the washroom. "I wish this bed was attached to my body" I mumbled pulling out my brush.

My eyes widen as I thought about the diary. I was reading it last night until I fell asleep, that mean its still on my bed. Which is being cleaned by my mother. "Mom!" I sprinted out with my brush in my hands. There she was cleaning the floor first, just about to reach the bed. "Wait!" I yelped in panic, she looked at me with a confused gaze. "I-I" I stuttered my brain still processing an excuse. "I will clean up my room today" the words escape my lips, my mom smiled "Are you finally growing up my daughter?" She asked me, with a teasing tone. I awkwardly nodded knowing I am going to be late for my class.

I removed my duvet from on top of the diary, carefully picking it up. It was fragile, I am grateful to myself for not sleeping on it or something. Yesterday I grabbed a page, and it became powder under my fingers, I have been using tweezers to flip pages now.

I have been reading in a very slow speed, with University Assignments and my day job at the cafe its been hard to find time to read. Till now I have found out that Rosa is in fact his sister and his dad is the one who is ill, he is coughing up blood now. Juniper is panicked. If only I can go in the diary and give him an hug, telling him it will be alright. I felt an connection with Juniper. It doesn't help the fact that I have a diary filled with his intimate thoughts only to keep it to himself. This feels illegal, somehow.

His language is poetic, even without flowery words. Well uses flower names a lot, ironically. He has a different perspective over everything, enthusiastic lover, I haven't read about any partner, but he loves freely. Everything is lovable to him. He wrote "there's beauty in the thorns of the rose just like there is ugliness in it's petals" I don't know what was he referring, I don't if this about roses at all, yet I feel connected to it. Somehow.

I looked at my already made bed, when I was lost in my thoughts my limbs were moving by itself. I didn't realise that I had completed my task, but here we were. Shaking my head, I entered the reality.


"Oh honey, I missed you so much" I rolled my eyes at my over enthusiastic friend Vivian. Who was currently making kissing face and kissing noises. "We met yesterday" I pointed out she tried to hug me. But before her model like built body could reach me I slapped at her arms. This was so common between us that she ignored the smack and stood straight saying "Being apart from you hurts me physically my love-aaaa" I pinched her hard, narrowing my gaze.

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