Chapter 5

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"What? Of course not!" I quickly stood up and grabbed my backpack off the ground.

"You sure about that?" She followed after me.

"I don't love you Ruby, and I'm pretty sure if I did I would be thrown off by how full of yourself you are to even ask me that without knowing anything about me," I left her room.

She didn't follow me this time. I left her house, Hades jumped on the fence after I jumped over it to get out. Before taking off I gave him one last pat on his head. I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach. God I'm such an idiot, why did I say that to her? She probably really hates me now. I pondered all the way home, it wasn't that bad, right? I decided I should definitely apologize either way. I see her at school tomorrow and she can't avoid me because we have one class together. But then I would go to the other side of the argument, maybe I did have some ground to stand on to be angry at her? I'm not going to give her a hard time, she's a lady that I took interest in and I straight up lied to her face. I was in the wrong. I finally got home and my sisters were watching TV, my parents went to bed. Of course me and my nosey brother had to share a room. I opened the door and Jackson looked over at me from these damned bunk beds we've had since we were little.

"Just the man I wanted to see! How'd your date go? Did you get...frisky?" He put his phone down, chuckling at his own damn comment. If I could kill him, I would.

"Shut up, it's not even any of your business," I snapped.

"Hey I was the one who was left on a cliffhanger, not you. Sorry for trying to care," he rolled his eyes.

I put my things down and sat on my bed. After a couple minutes, he opened his mouth again.

"You're really not going to tell? Wait, what's that smell?" He looked down at me.

Damn it, the smoke.

"It's nothing Jackson," I replied.

"Oh no, you're not coming into our room to give me the headache from the smell of CIGAR-"

"Shhhh! Okay! She was smoking! I had one puff but I hated it," I sighed.

"You basically kissed! Smoking out of the same cigarette good for you Casanova! That's the farthest you'll ever get," he laid back down.

"You might be right about that," I laid down as well.

"No confidence anymore? Now you gotta tell me."

I did. From beginning to end.

"She...stared at you?"

"Yeah, for a while."

"Like, how? Dead stare? Curious eyes? Bang me eyes?"

"No just, observing I guess."

"Then she asked if you loved her and you snapped. You probably blew it for good because if someone did that to me I'd be so hell bent on getting revenge," he hopped down from his top bunk.


"You basically called her a narcissist for asking a question. Sure she could've waited a while before asking but anyone with eyes could see that you like her. I think you hurt her feelings man. On top of that you blew the one opportunity to tell her how you felt," he sat on the couch.

He was right. I hated that he was right.

"Whatever Jack."

"Don't call me that, Hunt."

The Next Day

I went to school, dreading seeing her. I usually don't feel this way, I'm usually a bit excited to catch a glimpse of Ruby, but today was going to be tough. I went to English class, sat in my seat and waited for her to come. People filed in, a few minutes left before the late bell rings. People eventually stopped coming in. Nothing. A few seconds left. The desk was empty. Now I feel terrible. Throughout the class I was praying she would show up late. But at the same time I was relieved that I didn't have to see her after what I said. Nonetheless, I was worried. I needed to see her. Class ends and we all file out. I met up with Jackson to walk home and told him how she didn't show up.

"You should go see her," he crossed his arms.

"Why should I? Maybe she's just sick," I replied.

"Well you have to go check on your wife and show her that you care," he flicked me on my forehead, "Duh."

Damn it.

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