Chapter 20-I'm back!

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A/N: I'm back guys! I know I said I wasn't going to finish this story but I couldn't just let it go.  I started writing this story in my mind over 10 years ago and I can't let it just die.  Lots of revision and edits coming plus new additions and chapters on the way! Bare with because I i never had an end to this story in my mind so please tell me if you're excited to see and hear what happens next because this story deserves a proper ending!

Grayson woke up to a startle realizing he fell asleep. He turned over expecting to smell Addison's over powering perfume of rose water and vanilla. When he smelled the soft floral and light woodsy perfume that Leila also wore he smiled and he pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head eliciting a soft moan of approval from his mate and, rested a hand on her bare bottom.

Before he allowed himself to get lost in the thoughts of what had transpired between them, he remembered that he needed to check in with Riley. Leaving work in such a rush like that was common, however, leaving in a rush and not sending any notice to anyone regarding his whereabout was out of character.

Thinking to himself that Alphas never take a break, Grayson reluctantly removed his hand from Leila's soft and perfect body and gently removed himself from the bed to locate his pants that have his phone in their pocket. He looked at the clothes strewn across the floor taking in the medium gray carpet that felt soft and warm under his feet. Her room wasn't perfect but it was decently clean compared to the stories he had heard from Riley about Sammi.

He liked how Leila's room looked clean, but lived in. No clothes on the floor but the hamper was slightly overfilled. A light layer of dust covered a lot of surfaces but everything was mostly in its place.

A pile of unopened mail sat next to the remote and a random pen on the dresser, under the mounted TV.

Her white nightstand held a glass of water and a lonely orange earplug, lip balm and the cord to her phone charger. Her sliding closet doors were opened as if she had been in a rush and forgot to fully close them. The shoes were strewn about the floor under the color coordinated clothes that hung on black velvet hangers. On the back of her door was an over-the-door hanger that held a few hats. One read "Arizona" in capital letters across it. Two bras, one a gray sports bra and the other a brown lace bralette hung on the extra hooks.

He imagined Leila wearing the brown lace bra under her white dress shirt and started to feel himself get hard with pleasure. Gathering his pants that were next to Leila's bra on the floor, he looked down and checked his phone. Twelve missed calls. All from Riley.

He saw the messages from Riley that were at the top his texts.

The last read: "He is on his way, now."

It had been 17 minutes since it had been sent to him. Shit. Grayson cursed silently in his mind and gathered the rest of his clothes as he headed to the living room to get dressed.

Doing his best to not wake Leila, he peeked in the room to see her naked body still sleeping peacefully. All he wanted to do was undress and slide back into the bed and into Leila over and over again for the next few days. Unfortunately, his duties as an Alpha prevented him from being able to enjoy that type of life right now.

Locking the memory of her body that day, he committed to himself to be more available to her. To Leila. His mate.

Mate. What a life changing word. So many routines and actions in his life would now change because of Leila. Her fiery attitude and smile drove his thoughts wild with ideas of how to back in check. The way she stomped wrapped her legs around him and gave herself to him earlier had made him feel powerful and desired by Leila. When she said his name during sex it took every bit of his willpower to not blow his load all over her sexy body.

Quietly closing the door to Leila's apartment, he made a mental note to move her to the pack house as soon as possible so that she could be there every time he came home.

His phone started to vibrate in his hand as he walked back to his car. He answered immediately.


"With all due respect Grayson, you're Alpha, but do you know how long I have been trying to get ahold of you?" Riley stated with a bit of an edge to his voice.

"If I don't answer it's because I'm occupied. This is not news Riley," Grayson replied keeping his cool.

"Did you get my messages? I was trying to warn you." Asked Riley.

"I just saw them. Is he there yet?" Grayson inquired as he slid into the seat of his car and pressed the start engine button.

"Yeah, I can see him getting out of the car now. He didn't come alone."

Putting his phone down since the call had connected to his car, he huffed and answered with a hint of irritation in his voice. "Put them in my office. I'll be there soon."

"Are you sure you don't want a more neutral space?"

"It's fine. I'll deal with it. Make sure to offer them refreshments. It'll keep them busy until I arrive."

"Got it."

"Anything else?" Grayson asked.

"Isabel said—"

"Not right now Riley"

"Got it. That good huh?"

Grayson hung up and focused on the drive letting a small smirk reach his lips. 

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