Chapter 8

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Jeonghan closes his phone and continues paying attention to the class. It's prohibited to use your phone during lessons (obviously) but he sits at the back of the classroom so the teacher wouldn't notice anyways.

After the 'ice cream date' that he had with Seungcheol, Jeonghan couldn't stop thinking about him. As in he would literally feel his heart beating rapidly whenever he hears the mention of Seungcheol. Jeonghan doesn't know why he's feeling like that so clearly he needs to get it sorted out.

He never expected that he would get involved with someone like Seungcheol. I mean they're the opposites of each other and have never interacted with each other before, well until now of course.

Jeonghan's considered the face of his school, being every students role model while Seungcheol is infamous for getting in trouble and apparently beating up students too...

But Jeonghan finds it hard to believe because he's different then what people has said about him. He refuses to acknowledge that Seungcheol is someone violent, and he certainly doesn't act like that with Jeonghan! So maybe it's all an act just to befriend him?

Jeonghan sighs and rubs his head due to overthinking and stress, he really doesn't know what to think or trust anymore.

"Alright class, that's all for today. Hope y'all have a nice weekend, don't forget about the homework though!" The teacher says and everybody groans. Jeonghan packs his stuff to leave but Jihoon was heading towards him.

"Hey hyung." He says.

"Hey Jihoon, everything alright?"

"No nothing's wrong, I just wanted to apologize. I was being too harsh before." He says with obvious guilt on his face, Jeonghan guesses it's about what happened in the cafeteria.

"Oh it's fine, don't make a big deal out of it. I understand why you acted that way, so let's just forget what happened." Jeonghan says with a genuine smile and gave a pat on Jihoon's head.

"So you're not mad at me?"

"How could I be? You're too cute to be mad at."

"I told you to stop babying me hyung." Jeonghan laughs at the sulking Jihoon.

"Alright alright, I'll stop. So you promised you won't say anything bad about Seungcheol anymore?"

"Hyung that's too much to ask, how can I when everybody talks bad about him? And let's not forget he literally beats students up."

"Well then I guess I'll be mad at you for a month..." Jeonghan teases Jihoon and he looks skeptical but the younger gave him an answer.

"It'll be hard, but I guess...only because it's you hyung. No promises though!" Jeonghan thanks Jihoon and gave him a hug, the shorter male was practically getting suffocated by the taller one.

"Great! Let's go home together?"

"I'd love to, but I can't. I have a music project to finish."

"No worries, do you know where Seungkwan and Seokmin are?" Jeonghan asks hoping at least one of his friends was available or he'll have to walk home alone.

"Seungkwan's on a date with Vernon, and Seokmin is in detention." Jihoon answers and Jeonghan looks at him confusedly.

"Wait, what did he do this time?"

"Apparently he got caught using his phone during class. Can you believe it? I don't get why people can't just focus on the lesson instead." Jihoon says annoyed.

"Uh yeah, I definitely agree with you....never mind then, I'll just text Seungcheol to see if he's free." Jeonghan takes his phone out ready to text a certain someone, but at the mention of Seungcheol Jihoon quickly changed his mind as fast as possible.

"Actually hyung! The music project can wait, let's walk home together." Jihoon says with an awkward chuckle hoping that Jeonghan wouldn't find out that he's actually lying.

"You sure? I don't want to hold you back on the project if it's urgent."

"Yeah yeah! We haven't hang out in a while, I want to talk with my hyung too."

Jeonghan has a confused expression but shrugged it off. "Alright, let's go."


"So you're going out on a date with Seungcheol tomorrow?" Jihoon thought he had tried his best to separate the two of them but he soon realizes that it wouldn't be so easy.

"Why does everybody call it a date when we're together..I mean I wouldn't call it a date, it's just hanging out with a friend." Jeonghan scratches the back of his neck, does everyone consider two friends hanging out a date?

"No no, if he wasn't interested in you that is. But since he is, it's definitely a date." Jihoon replies obviously annoyed and frustrated, it's definitely not going how he had plan.

"Just because he's interested in me doesn't mean I have to like him back, I still need to know more about him."

"So you'd want to know more about Choi Seungcheol?.."

Jeonghan pauses and thinks for a while before replying. "I don't know Jihoon, I feel weird whenever someone mentions him. Like my heart keeps beating rapidly you know." Jihoon was kinda shocked with the answer and didn't expect Jeonghan to say something like that.

"You feel weird when you think about him?"

"More like whenever someone mentions him, but it's basically the same thing right?" Jeonghan lightly smiles and blushes, Jihoon saw that expression for the first time on Jeonghan's face, he has never talked about someone like that with such an expression before!

They kept walking until it was Jeonghan's stop, the two didn't speak a lot after the statement that Jeonghan made. It surprised Jihoon so much to the point he was speechless.

"I'll see you on Monday Jihoonie."

"Yeah, see you hyung.."

After saying his goodbyes with Jeonghan, Jihoon walks to the bus stop to catch his bus. It wasn't very far from Jeonghan's house, he gets in the bus and sat on a free seat, puts his earphones in and played some random playlist.

He might've regretted the fact that he 'hung out' with Jeonghan instead of finishing his music project, but it was clearly too late to go back and there's also something even bigger that he regrets.

"Shit, did I fuck up?..."

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