Chapter 4

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I soon arrived home and checked my phone to see some unknown number had messaged me. It's probably just some spam messages so I decided to block it.

But before I blocked the number, I wanted to check to see who was trying to message me.

Needless to say it wasn't some stranger or someone that unknown after all, it's just Choi Seungcheol.

(A/N: all made up numbers coming up so please don't try to call it)


+49 03774827931

Heyy, it's Seungcheol from the library
This is Jeonghan right

+49 01537907320

Hi Seungcheol, yes this is Jeonghan
How did you get my number?
I'm sure I haven't saved you in contact yet

You saved +49 03774827931 to Seungcheol


It doesn't matter
Anyways, r u free this weekend?

+49 01537907320

I am why?


I just want to know if u want to
hang out with each other this weekend?
If you have time ofc👍

+49 01537907320

Yeah, sure why not
I'm free this weekend


I'll meet you at the coffee shop next to
our school :)

+49 01537907320

Ok, I'll see u this weekend


See u too angel👼

Jeonghan then closes his phone and went up to his room to study, slightly happy that he could get to know Seungcheol better. He soon went to sleep for next day at school.


The next day at school, Jeonghan luckily survives through all of his lessons and once it's lunchtime he grabs a plate of food, and scans around the cafeteria to search for his friends. Only to find them sitting at.....a different table? With Seungcheol's friends to be exact, cause surprisingly Seungcheol isn't at the table, just his friends.

"Jeonghan! We're here!!" Seungkwan yells through the cafeteria.

"Keep it down babe, not everybody has the right to listen to your beautiful voice." Vernon says and Seungkwan seems to adore his cheesy compliments but the others cringed at it.

"That was probably the cringiest thing I've ever heard coming out of that couple's mouth."

"Oh trust me, I bet they say worst things when we're not here." Jihoon annoyingly says and there are some truths to that statement.

"I think I smell jealousy coming from two single individuals." Seungkwan stares fiercely at both Jihoon and Seokmin and all three of them began to have a staring contest.

Luckily Jeonghan comes in to save the day! "Calm down guys, what's with the drama already?"

"They keep bullying me and my boyfriend hyung! When in reality y'all wish you had a relationship like ours."

"Yeah I think I'll pass on that Seungkwan."

"Nobody asked for your opinion Mingyu." And they continued with the bickering.

"I'm glad you're here Jeonghan, you gotta save me from these people." Wonwoo pleads, he's Jeonghan's favorite out of the bunch. It's not like he doesn't like his closest friends, but there's just something about Wonwoo that he loves. Maybe because they're both introverts and get along better.

"Enough, stop annoying everybody Seungkwan. By the way, where's Seungcheol?"

"He isn't here, we don't know where he went either so we decided to sit with you guys." Vernon explains.

"Speaking of Seungcheol, just warning you Jeonghan, he's gonna ask you out soon." Wonwoo reveals the 'plan' and all three of Jeonghan's friends were either gasping or shocked.

"I would reject him if I was you."

"Glad we share the same opinion Mingyu, and I think we can all agree that Seungcheol is a bad influence on Jeonghan. They don't even suit together at all! They're complete opposite of each other."

"Gosh don't be so harsh on him Jihoon, I told you he's a chill dude!"

"If we're on the topic of who suits who, I think Jeonghan is best with Joshua." Seokmin suggests, and everybody turns to him.

(A/N: forgot to mention this but Joshua and Vernon are related)

"Vernon's cousin? Where did that come from." A curious Wonwoo asks

"Well yesterday, Joshua wanted to meet with Jeonghan after school at the gate and they walked with each other home!"

"That's certainly surprising coming from someone like him." Mingyu says

"Sounds like my lovely cousin is interested in you, Jeonghan. He rarely does that even if it's his friends or family.

"Oh come one guys, just because we walked home together? Friends do that with each other too so what's different with me and Joshua?"

"The difference is, he's a reserved kid and doesn't do that often!!" Seungkwan says a little too loud and the table next to them heard it. Seungkwan mumbles a 'sorry' to them.

"Yeah after hearing that, he's definitely in love with you Yoon Jeonghan-" And before Mingyu could finish his sentence, someone already stood behind him.

"Who's in love with who?" It was Seungcheol.

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