Chapter 5

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(A/N: finally an update. Srry to keep y'all waiting
but I'm back from the class trip so here's a new chapter. It's a bit longer+super cringe and corny so bear with me)

"Who's in love with who?"

Mingyu turns around to see a confused looking Seungcheol and almost fell out of his chair. Luckily Wonwoo hold him back.

"Nothing uh, we were just talking about some characters from a show. Right Jihoon?"

"Why the hell... Jihoon mumbles and sternly looks at Seungkwan before answering the question. Yeah um from the show.....Grey's Anatomy, ever heard of it?"

"Yeah I have, great show actually. Anyways Imma head to class early, y'all keep chatting I guess."

"Yeah, yeah you go do that.."

As soon as Seungcheol disappears out of their sight, it was like a weight falling off of their shoulders and they sighed in relief.

"Seriously Jihoon? Grey's Anatomy? You couldn't think of a better one than that?"

"Oh shut up Mingyu, if you were in my situation you would've panicked too! I just said some random show that suddenly popped up in my head."

"Whatever, he's gone now." Wonwoo says and at that moment, the bell ranged so they had to head to their next class.

They waited in a line to return their food plate and Wonwoo whispers what seems to be something important. "Listen guys, nobody says a word about the conversation we had today. He's gonna start it again with Joshua if he found out that 'American kid' is also interested in Jeonghan."

"Why? Does he have a problem with Joshua?" A curios Jeonghan asks

Mingyu, Wonwoo and Vernon looks at each other and turns to Jeonghan "Look, it's a complicated story between them. Maybe Seungcheol will tell you someday but for now, don't say you met up with Joshua."

Jeonghan nods and they all return to their classes, swearing to Wonwoo that they wouldn't say a word about their conversation.

During class, Jeonghan couldn't take his mind off of what Wonwoo said. He wondered what happened between Joshua and Seungcheol? But that was for another time because he needed to focus on the lecture.


After school Jeonghan quickly packs his stuff, said goodbye to his friends and left the classroom. But before he could return home, someone yelled out his name.

"Yoon Jeonghan!"

He turns around to see Seungcheol, heavily breathing due to trying to keep up with him.

"Seungcheol! Everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah I'm alright. Listen uh, do you still have time?"

Jeonghan looks at the watch around his hand and answers. "I think I do, what's wrong?"

Seungcheol's face lit up and laughs, making Jeonghan flustered. Apparently he found Seungcheol's smiles attractive.

"If you want, let's go and get ice cream. I saw an ice cream truck right down the corner."

"S-sure uh lead the way."

"Great! It won't be too far."

Seungcheol catches up with Jeonghan and they made their way to the ice cream truck. While walking, they chatted with each other and clicked off instantly.

They were both interested in rock music, smart in different ways and both enjoyed going out or stuffing their faces with food.

Surprisingly Jeonghan felt comfortable for the entire time and not awkward around Seungcheol, he felt like he could open up and be himself around him.


"What flavors do you like? Surely vanilla should be everybody's favorite."

"Vanilla is alright, but I find mint chocolate pretty amazing."

"Mint chocolate? Don't tell me you like eating toothpaste Jeonghan, you could do better than that."

"Hey what's wrong with liking mint choco!Just go and order already."

"Whatever. One vanilla and mint chocolate please." Seungcheol hands Jeonghan his ice cream cone and they both started to (not literally) devour their ice cream.

"So, you told me you like rock music."

"Mhm. You too right?"

"Of course, Hong Jisoo's band is playing at the school festival next month. You wouldn't mind seeing it with me right?"

"No that's fine, I was planning to go anyways actually! Joshua invited me when we walked home together yesterday."

"Oh, you walked home with him yesterday?"

Jeonghan knew that at that moment, he really fucked up. Like, real bad. Wonwoo told him not to say anything about the meeting and yet here he is, and he promised him too. Promise broken I guess, sorry Wonwoo.

"Y-yeah um but we didn't talk a lot tho! He only accompanied me the way back."

Jeonghan could tell Seungcheol's mood dropped when he mentioned Hong Jisoo. But it seemed like Seungcheol noticed it and began smiling friendly again. "That's nice of him, I heard his band makes great music."

Jeonghan sighs in relief and wiped off his sweat. "Yeah, Jeonghan takes another bite of his ice cream. Let's watch him play together."

There was some ice cream on the corner of Jeonghan's lips and Seungcheol notices it. So of course he was gonna do something straight out of a kdrama, wiping it off from his lips.

"You have something there." He didn't even use a tissue nothing, just with his thumb and Jeonghan swears he felt his heart beat and butterflies in his stomach for a moment.

"O-oh uh thanks I didn't notice." Seungcheol smiles at him and Jeonghan blushes embarrassingly.

"Thanks for the ice cream, I'll give you the money tomorrow but I gotta go now!" And with that, he dashes away without looking back. Jeonghan knows that it was a dick move but what could he do? Stay there after that corny moment? Absolutely not.

"Hey where are you going!" Seungcheol yells out to him and sighs. He sits down on a bench and rethinks about their conversation again. Soon, his once friendly expression turns to a frustrating one because of Jeonghan mentioning Joshua. And they walked home together, why him of all people?

"Joshua? He scoffs. You've got some nerves doing this shit again."

He stood up from the bench and began to text on his phone.

"Let's see who he'll choose, Joshua fucking Hong."

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