Chapter 10

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Hushed tones and Justin's voice echoed against the walls of the kitchen. Brushing imaginary lint off my clothes, I slid onto the stool next to him, playing with strands of my hair. Glancing at me, he curled his fingers into a fist, letting out curses under his breath. Bits of the other person's voice came through the speaker, angry words between desperate, pleading ones. Justin looked at me once more before turning to stare at the counter before hanging up. Running his fingers through his hair, he let out a sigh of frustration.

"You okay?" I asked carefully, unsure of how to approach him

"Fine." He mumbled, shutting his eyes forcefully.

"Okay," I started, "I have to go to work-- I'll see you soon?"

He nodded, sending me a small smile, "Yeah, see you."

I stepped off the stool, grabbing my apron from the hook near the door. Stuffing keys in my bag, I slipped on my shoes. I shut the door quietly behind me, hesitation and concern all over me. How do I tell him?  I let my feet take me to the stairs, walking down them without thinking. I felt the slight dizzyness, but it was distant; far away. He won't understand. It will never work. I saw myself on the bus, pulling the yellow string to signal the driver to stop, and walking to the coffee shop. I shook my head quickly, clearing my mind as Savannah continued to laugh at me.

"Daydreaming?" She asked in a sing-song.

"No," I felt my cheeks flush, "but thinking about him."

She saw my face fall a little, and hers quickly contorted in concern. "What's wrong, Ari?"

"I need to tell him something about me. I need him to know the truth. But I don't know how to say it, he won't take it well." I sighed, frustration evident in my tone.

"Don't underestimate him. He's strong, and he cares about you. Be honest with him. You cannot have a relationship built on lies." She took my hands carefully, giving me a warm smile. "Go babe, I'll cover your shift."

"No, you don't have to that. I can talk to him after work. I'm sure he's--"

"Not interested in your excuses." She caught me off, "Go, or I'll tell Lauren that you haven't been a diligent barista." Smirking at me, she knew she'd won.

"Fine," I huffed. Picking up my bag, I pushed my hip into the door, and stood at the bustop a block down. I picked at my nails nervously, waiting to hear the creak of the bus as it came to stop. Stepping on, I pushed coins into the slot and uttered a "thanks" to the driver. As it shakily drove forward, I ran over how the hell I was going to start the conversation with Justin. Time seemed to pass quickly, and the bus shook to a stop just left of the apartment building. "Thank you!" I called, stepping out onto the pavement. I pushed open the door hurriedly, nervously shifting as I waited for the elevator. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. When it finally dinged and the doors swished open, I hesitated before pushing our button. I laid my finger on it slowly, squeezing my eyes shut as I applied pressure and heard the elevator start moving. I reluctantly stepped onto the floor, pushing the key in the lock and opening the door. I took of my shoes silently, hanging my bag and apron. Justin stared at me curiously, still sitting in the spot I'd left him, phone in hand.

"I have something to tell you." I said quietly, walking over to him. I stopped on the other side of the counter, giving myself enough distance to run away.

He set the phone down, pressing the lock button and watching as the screen went black. "What?"

"I'm not normal."

He laughed slightly, "I gathered." But there was something else in his eyes, something like fear.

I cracked a small smile, "I, um, I--" I let out a groan of frustration, running my fingers through my hair. I looked anywhere but his eyes, staring at the counter in front of me, blurting, "I change into a cat at night."

He looked taken aback, shocked. Gathering himself quickly, he pulled up his sleeve, pointing to a small tattoo of what looked like a duck. "You see this?"

I backed up quickly, mother said never talk to ducks. "You're not... are you?" I asked slowly, wishing as hard as I could that he was joking.

He nodded sullenly, reality seeming to dawn on him.

They're dangerous, our enemy. How could I not have seen? I ran my eyes over Justin again, noticing the slightly green complexion and yellowed nose. His skin seemed to purple on his arms, like the colour of feathers in sun. "No," I whispered.

He got off his stool, walking around the counter and pulling me into his arms.

I let myself fall into him, just the slightest bit, "It can never work. It will never work. 'My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that I must love a loathed enemy.'"

"'What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'" He whispered into my hair.

I pulled away from him quickly. "This isn't just names, Justin! We're two different species, two different species that can never be together. I love you! I love you and our love is forbidden. "We can't do this anymore, 'I gotta go my own way'. It's what's best." I pulled my shoes back on, watching as his face mirrored the fear, shock, hurt, and tears that was on mine. "I'm sorry." I slipped out the door, his sobs echoing in my mind as I walked away.

a/n: hi, lovelies.  i'm sorry, i had to.  when starting this book, i couldn't figure out how i wanted it to go (i have ideas now), and i was joking around with my friend about how aria would be a cat and justin would be a duck and they could never be together-- their love would forbidden.  anyway, thank you for allowing me to be trolly this week.  see you next friday!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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