Chapter 4

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Stepping onto the scale, I tilted my head down, looking at the square numbers about to appear on the tiny screen.  115.  I pinched at the rolls of endless fat on my waist.  It had been three months, and I had only lost 10 pounds.  I sighed, stepping off the scale, and walking over to the full length mirror in the corner of the room.  Dark circles were under my dull hazel eyes.  It looked as if my face had sunken, and my cheekbones jutted out.  I moved my eyes down, looking at my collarbones that now looked sharp underneath my skin.  My stomach was fat, covered still in a thick layer of blubber.  My thighs didn’t touch anymore, and I could easily slide two fingers between them when my feet were together.  I looked back up, taking in the whole image of myself.  Only one word rang through my head, over and over.  Ugly.

Three knocks sounded on the door.  I was still sweaty and smelly, as I had just gotten back from the gym.  I backtracked to the door, opening in slowly.  Noah stood there, a small bouquet of roses clutched in his left hand.  I smiled so wide, and something happy and bubbly filled my stomach.  “For you, m’lady.” He curtsied slightly, earning a gentle laugh and handed me the flowers.  I hugged him in the doorway, tentatively kissing his cheek.

“I think you missed, babe.” He smiled, looking down at me.  

I poked him and rolled my eyes, “C’mon.  Dinner’s done.” I walked inside, him following close behind.  I pulled the pot out of the fridge, placing it on the stove to heat up.  He grabbed plates and glasses from the cupboards, placing them on the island.  I stirred the pasta, waiting for it to heat up.  I brought it over to the plates, scooping a large spoonful into his plate, and a very small one into mine.  I placed the pot back on the stove, turning the burner off.  Noah had never paid enough attention to notice how little I was eating, and he didn’t know about my daily gym workouts.  We sat down, picking up our forks, and started eating.  Noah looked up at me, mumbling, “This is really good.”  He looked down at my plate, raising a quizzical eyebrow.  

“Why aren’t you eating anything?” he asked, worry etched in his voice.

“I’m just not hungry.  I ate quite a few snacks.”

“Don’t lie to me, Aria.”

“I’m not.  I’m really just not that hungry.”

He glanced at me one last time, and I knew I had won.  

* * *

“And I was like, baby, baby, baby, no.  Like baby, baby, baby, oh!” Noah sang at the top of his lungs.  

We were seated in the living room, the Wii Karaoke game turned on.  I laughed the hardest I have in a long time.  He walked over to me, pulling me up from the couch by my hand.  He stood me up in front of him, loudly singing into my face.  The song ended, Noah yelling the last note for as long as he could hold it.  I laughed, hugging his waist, and he wrapped his arms around me, whispering in my ear, “Hey.  I think its your turn.”

“No way.  I am not doing that.”

“I think you are.”

“I am not singing.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Yes you are,” he said in a sing-song voice, “or I’ll tickle you.”

“No! Okay, fine.”  I took the microphone from his hand, picking up the remote and hitting shuffle on the song choice.  The intro to a song started playing, and my face fell.  “No.” I said, drawing out the word.

“Oh, yes.” He said, mischief dancing in his eyes.  

I sighed dramatically, and started ‘My Heart Will Go On’ by Celine Dion, singing the lyrics slightly out of tune.  Noah sat laughing on the couch, mumbling pieces of words as my voice cracked on high notes.  When the song finally ended, he was still laughing.  I went over and slapped him playfully, “Shut up.  You were awful too.”  He finally calmed himself down, small bits of tears in his eyes, “Baby, you were amazing.” He said, half a smirk on his face.  

“I know,” I said, flipping my hair.  He laughed.  

“Whatever, Ms. Perfect.  It is the master’s turn.”  He stood up, pretending to brush dust off his clothes.  I rolled my eyes.  He grabbed the mic, choosing another random song.  I put my hands on my ears, preparing myself for whatever out of tune yodel he was about to do.  He started singing, completely off just like I had guessed.  My head started to spin, the world tipping.  I sat down, willing the feeling to go away.  Dizzy spells had happened to me before, and usually sitting helped.  Noah was still howling the song, and a piercing noise rung in my ears.  I felt hot, and my head felt heavy.  I faintly heard the song end, and Noah saying my name.  Blackness started to cloud the edges of my vision.  I fell back onto the couch, unconscious.       

a/n: i know it's a short one, but i wanted you guys to have some insight on their relationship, because theirs has two sides, and this is the reason aria stays.  thank you so much for all the support, you guys mean the world! please continue to vote and comment, it really helps me as a writer (: 

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