Chapter 8

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 I pushed the hair out of my face, yawning quietly and blinking open my eyes.  Savannah was still asleep beside me, curled into a small ball and snoring lightly.  I smiled softly, before carefully maneuvering out of the bed. I pulled off her pajamas and slipped into yesterday's clothes. Running a hand through my hair, I slipped out of the room, grabbing my bag from the kitchen counter.  I ripped a napkin from Savannah's roll, and scribbled down a message to her.  morning, don't worry, i had to run.  will text later.  see you, ari.  Biting my lip, I looked at it for a minute before slipping into my shoes and gently shutting the door behind me.  I took out my phone, looking up the bus route home.  

 "Crap," I muttered under my breath, picking up my speed.  Pushing open the doors of the apartment building, I walked quickly to bus stop 14 and leaned against the frame of covered bench.  The bus came to a rickety stop in front of me, and I slipped in as the door opened, pushing coins into the slot.  I slid into a window seat, opening Justin's contact on my phone and clicking his number.  It rang repeatedly before going to voicemail.  I pulled the phone away from my ear, hovering my finger over his number.  I pressed it, biting my lip while bringing the phone back up.  

 "Is it important?" His voice was crackly, and something that sounded like yelling surrounded his words.  

 "Hello to you too," I rolled my eyes.  

 A loud thud sounded before Justin replied.  "Aria, is it important," he strained, "or can I talk to you when I get home?"

 "Fine, I'll talk to you then." He hung up without another word, and I pulled the phone away from my ear.  Where is he? What were those noises? Questions filled my mind, but I brushed them away, why are you worried anyway? I tugged on the yellow string above my head, signalling the driver to stop.  I stepped out of the bus at the next stop, glancing to my left before walking towards Justin's building.  My breath caught in my throat, and my eyes widened slightly.  I chewed on my lip, still completely still, staring at his outline.  He was too far away to see clearly, but close enough to recognize.  Please don't look over here.  Another girl stood next to him, kissing his cheek.  The slightest bubble of jealousy formed in my stomach, before I shook my head clear.  His eyes moved swiftly over my figure, smirking, as if to say: I found you.  He didn't move, though, just wrapped his arm tighter around the girl, and stared at me as he kissed her.  I blinked quickly, moving swiftly to the door of the apartments.  Pushing it open, I slid in and out of sight just as his eyes lifted, glancing at the building.  I walked, still shocked, towards the elevator, and unconsciously pushed the button to take me to the right floor.  You didn't think he'd just go away, did you? Inhaling, I tried to get rid of the questions storming my mind.  Of course he's back, stupid.  Of course he's replaced you; you weren't all that special.  The elevator dinged, and the doors swished open.  I stepped out, closing my eyes and rapidly taking breaths to calm my nerves.  Pushing open the door to Justin's apartment, I stepped inside and locked it behind me.  Don't give in, you don't have to give in.  I dug my nails into my palm, holding my breath.  Don't give in.

* * *

  The lock clicked, and the door slid open hesitantly.  "It's my house, remember? What do I care, anyway?" Someone mumbled to themself while shutting the door louder.  I stalked out of my room, blinking the sleep from my eyes and walking into the kitchen where the person stood, fumbling in the drawers.  I flicked on the lights nervously, cursing myself for not grabbing something.  

 He groaned, shielding his eyes, "Was that absolutely necessary?"

 I let out a long sigh, laughing under my breath, "Justin?"

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