Chapter 6

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 The drive home was silent, the only sound coming from the hum of the old Toyota engine.  I shifted in my seat, pulling Noah's hoodie tighter around myself.  

 "I'm sorry." I whispered.  

 He glanced at me, not saying anything.  His knuckles tightened around the steering wheel, and his eyes stayed trained on the road.  We got to the apartment building, and pulled into the parking lot underneath.  He opened his door quickly, and got out.  I opened mine as well, sliding out of the seat.  He was already walking to the elevator, and I ran to catch up.  He took long, angry strides into the cramped space, and hit the button labeled 3 forcefully.  I stayed quiet, and stood in the corner, as far from him as possible.  The elevator dinged, breaking the tension filled air.  He went out first, walking to our apartment and fishing out the key.  He pushed the door open, going inside.  I followed, shutting the door quietly afterwards.  He sat on one of the barstools around the island

 "Noah." I said, softly.  

 "Don't talk to me." He stood up.  "I give you everything.  Food, clothes, a house.  I love you, Aria.  And, of course, that isn't enough for you!" He walked over to me, anger evident in his face, but in his eyes, there was only raw hurt.  

 A pang of guilt shot through me, and tears pricked at the corners of my eyes.  I stayed silent, looking anywhere but at him.  

 "You deserve every single bad thing life hands you." He sneered.  He grabbed my wrist, digging his thumb into the red lines on my arm.  He turned on his heel, storming into the bedroom.  I sat down in the middle of the kitchen, curling myself in a ball, and crying into my hands.

* * *

 I shoved shirts and pants into the small suitcase, grabbing a handful of the items from my drawer in the bathroom.  Glancing at the door, I went into the cupboard at the bottom of Noah's night stand, taking three hundred dollars out of the safe and putting it in the suitcase.  I squeezed myself behind the bed, pulling out my guitar, and tossed my folder of music sheets into the suitcase.  I wiped at my eyes, zipping the suitcase closed.  My phone buzzed on the table behind me.  I picked it up, reading the message from an unknown number.

 hey aria. it's justin. texted to say hi. hi.  

I shifted on my feet, my fingers poised just above the keyboard.  Shakin my head gently, I touched the circular button under my thumb, instead opening the phone app.  I scrolled through my contacts, looking at the names I knew—but didn't know.  I slumped, running my hand through my hair and yanking on the ends.  I opened Justin's message again, staring at the stranger's words.  I hesitated before letting my fingers tap gently on the screen.  I read over my words over and over, just take the leap, before finally pressing send. 

 hey, you. could you do me a favour?

He wrote back almost instantly.

 yeah, i mean, i could probably squeeze you in somewhere.

I paused before writing back, biting my lip.

 haha. come get me? 2375 westwood ave, lvl 3 apt 4

He wrote back, and a small smile appeared on my face.

 someone warmed up quickly (; be there in 5.

 "Why do you have that?" Justin pointed at the suitcase and guitar I was holding in my left hand.  I didn't reply, just shoved the bag into the trunk of his silver audi, shutting it after.  I opened the passenger door, sliding into the seat and buckling in.  

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