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Chapter Twelve


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𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 the back of the car due to Natasha's rough driving, thankfully she was able to right herself before she fell over the sides of the frameless car. 

"Hold on, Juno!" 

The girl rolled her eyes and returned to her feet, "Could've warned me a bit earlier don't you think?" She yelled over the gunshots, explosions, and yells. 

The girl glanced at Clint who was perfectly balanced standing on top of his seat and shooting anyone who got in their way. She glared at him with envy, wondering if she should push him off just to make herself feel better. 

But at the moment that would do more harm than good, so she ignored her impulsive thoughts and prepared herself. 

"Alright, kid! This is you!" The girl smirked and jumped out of the car, but instead of falling she flew above the ground and towards the car following her aunt and uncle. 

It all happened so quickly, her eyes glowed white and two giant boulders floated quickly toward her and embedded themselves into the ground in front of the bad guy's car. 

The man driving had no time to react as his jeep rammed into the giant boulder and continued to blow up as well. 

Juno smirked before turning around in the air, her hands lit up into fire as she landed on the lookout tower where Thor was currently fighting multiple men and robots at once. 

She used her athletic abilities to take on half of the when Thor was fighting, each person that came across was doomed to either falling off the tower or being lit on fire. 

"I'm handling!" Thor yelled with an annoyed bite in his voice. "You can't hog them all!" Juno exclaimed with a smile before flying off the tower once there were no more people. 

Bullets flew at her as she hovered in the air, but they bounced off the giant invisible shield that she created out of the air around her. Growing annoyed with the men, she sent a fast wave of fire toward them, before moving on, ignoring their screams and wails of pain. 

She flew past Hulk, bringing out her own Glock 19 and shooting it at anyone who wasn't her family. They all flew over the barricade, taking on anyone who blocked their way. 

Once her gun was out of bullets, she quickly reloaded, maneuvering around flying bullets like they were pesky flies. 

"Shit!" She heard Tony exclaim over the comms. "Language!" And she rolled her eyes at Steve's response. 

𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 - MarvelWhere stories live. Discover now