"Wait he's the dad?" her eyes widened

"No but you can't tell him" I told her

"Ok I won't" she told me

"I need to go lay down" I told her then exited the room.



"Why Trinity couldn't make it?" I asked, while I rolled up a blunt while I kicked back in the couch.

"She on her period. Got bad cramps" Kya patted her belly. She was leaned back in one of the reclined chairs across from me.

"Ok so the police done searched my apartment and shi so they said they will get back to me in a couple days. You wanna move into my apartment or stay with Trinity?" I asked her.

"I'll stay with her"

"That's different" I chuckled a little. "Normally you don't like non of my female friends."

"Well she's nice and not toxic like you other female friends."

"You right you right" I nodded my head,

"And since when you cool with Nylah?" Kay raised one of her eyebrows.

"It's been years Kya and I don't really hold grudge against people."

"Mhmmm you sure you don't wanna get in her pants"

"No I don't like her like that" I jerked my head back.

"Not like you didn't before back in high school"

"Yeah that was back in high school and only a one time thing."

"Can't promise I won't pop her ass if I see her"

"You only staying here for a couple weeks try not to start shit" I reminded her.

"Which reminded me the reason why I came down here to check up on AJ. You get a hold of him yet?"

"Nah I keep calling him and it goes to voice mail"

"You were never the responsible twin" Kya shook her head.

"Can't blame me I only had myself to take care of growing up" I lighted the blunt. "You were the one that took care of AJ"

"Yeah and if I had known what was going on sooner I would've handled this shit properly."

"You strict as a mother fucker why you think AJ came to me instead of you?" 

"He wants someone to pop his ass cuz I don't know what type a stupid shit he getting himself involved in" Kya kissed her teeth.

"What you think he in some gangs and shii" I raised an eyebrow?

"I don't know but he so reckless ever since he was younger as well."

"Why you think he is that way Kya you technically raised the both of us when mom was out with her men at the time. She was doing drugs and drinking heavily. We never really had a parent around growing up to straighten us out that's the thing."

"True" Kya agreed

"Man I'm done talking bout this shit" I smacked my lips getting up from the couch.

"Where you going?" Kay asked

"I'm just getting my phone so I can order some food. Gimme a minute" I said then walked down the hallway to my room.

Once I got it, I saw a bunch of missed calls from No Caller ID.  I ringed them and someone answered the phone.

"Genie it's been almost four months and you just disappeared. I can barely even afford to buy our son some new pair of shoes."


"Valentina I can explain gimme a couple mins and I'll call you back" I said then hanged up the phone.

I made my way back into the living room. "Kya so what you want to eat?"


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