Trackstar Antelope Volume 27

Start from the beginning

His face turns red, and he buries his face into his pillow before sobbing uncontrollably. His whole bed shakes as he sobs. Sometimes, when carnivores feel hysterical emotions, like grief, regret, or joy, it's best to leave them by themselves until they've calmed down. After a minute, Riley whips his head from out of his pillow, wet from all the tears, and reached into his bedside drawer.

"This is the measures I have to take now, Jamel." he says while holding something up from his drawer. "This is what I must do to keep everyone safe." I never thought I'd see one of those, especially being held by my best friend.

Chapter 241: Of all the friends...

In his hand, he's holding a muzzle, with a strap leading around the sides to attach to his head. I didn't think it would have to come to this... yet here it is.

"I wear this at school... admittingly, it's not a pretty sight. I've had herbivores move away from me on purpose in class, even some carnivores have tried to avoid me. Levi is the only friend who will sit next to me at recess, and I think he's a bit freaked out by it. But I have to wear it, to keep everyone safe."

I watch it dangle from his hands, with the metal cage shining from the light in the room. This can't be the only future for him.

"All of the dogs at school make fun of me for it. You know, there's a few Year 12s who... I don't really want to think about that. But I'm doing it for myself and everyone who could be vulnerable."

I didn't think he needed to go that far in order to keep himself from attacking anyone, but... here it is. The boy I first met when I was only 5 years old has transformed himself into a beast... but he's only a beast in his own eyes, and to those who make assumptions.

"Put it on" I tell him. He looks at me, confused and a little bit disgusted. "I want to see if it does make you look less dangerous." He nervously moves the muzzle around his head, doing up the straps behind his head. A look of defeat and submission is wiped across his face, he looks emotionally drained, and I'm sorry for doing it to him.

It's weird though... I look at him, and I don't see a monster, or a wild predator. I just see a young dingo, trying his best in such a difficult world. He's had it very hard over the past few months, with friends going away, and new emotions as well. No wonder he's had to beat himself up with the muzzle.

"I don't think it makes a difference; you know. I see you wearing it, and I only think that you have more control than the others. I mean, it is your choice to wear it after all." I tell him. His eyes light up as he unbuckles the strap on the muzzle.

"As long as keeps me from hurting anyone is all I care about." He says, while chucking it back in his drawer. "I hate this thing, but I think it also sends an important, yet disturbing message that everyone needs to know... not every carnivore is 100% safe to be around." Riley tells me.

He's right, and I found that out without the muzzle, sadly.

"Anyway... now that everything is sorted with me... I want to hear all about your trip at Berriwan." Riley says, with his face lighting up. I always noticed that he can always change the mood of the conversation, no matter how sad it was before. "I'm sure you had a good time down in the big city."

"Well... I had a very weird time at the city... I'll explain everything..."


I told Riley about everything, well... almost. I left out the part where Abe attacked me, but instead Sam saved Paddo and Sona. And of course, I didn't tell him about the talk with Coach Harris.

"So now, Abe's in juvie for two weeks, and Whigata will have four representatives in the State Finals... it's really exciting though." I tell him.

"Wow... you know, Jamel... if that Fassid and Masama ever tried to pull that shit here, they'd be killed instantly" Riley said in disbelief.

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