𝟎𝟎𝟏. affection

Start from the beginning

While she waits for a response from Allison, the dark-haired girl sinks into her own thoughts and observations of what her life has become in such a short amount of time. A year prior, Emery would've thought it'd be a normal night and she'd be studying for her upcoming exams.

Almost a month ago, however, a group of teenagers got locked inside Beacon Hills High School and terrorized by Peter Hale. Emery had a brief encounter with the Alpha, whose claws drew blood from her lower back as she ran from him along with the rest of her friends. The scars have yet to heal.

Thankfully, the marks weren't deep enough to cause a full change in Emery, but it was enough to alter the normalcy of her DNA. Everything felt different to Emery, even though nothing had physically changed. She spent the next few days after the incident at the school trying to figure out what happened to her. What Peter did to her.

Scott's boss at the veterinary clinic, Deaton, was the only one who could provide answers for Emery. The abnormal senses she'd gained from the scratch are unlike any form of werewolf abilities Derek Hale and Scott possess, but they aren't uncommon for another species.

Emery Jameson is a witch.

Or, as close to a witch as one could imagine, which is what Deaton said to Stiles when he decided to question the veterinarian. The man concluded that although Peter's claws may have triggered the manifestation of her powers, there must be some kind of connection to sorcery in Emery's bloodline.

She can cast spells with the quiet sayings of Latin phrases (sometimes needing a clean slice of her palm to serve as a blood sacrifice), as well as conjure protective shields when needed. No werewolf bite or scratch could've caused that on its own.

Which side of Emery's family has the connection is unsure. Her mother died of a medical condition when Emery was three years old, leaving her in the care of her father. Emery has yet to ask about her bloodline or mother's side of the family — it's still a difficult subject for the both of them. So, it remains unknown.

These are the only findings and conclusions Deaton and Emery have managed to figure out during their visits at the clinic. They struggled to uncover any more of Emery's possible new abilities, though Stiles did splash her with a glass of water to see if she would actually melt.

Both Allison and Stiles have tried to find more information on the internet or within books but keep coming up empty handed and full of disappointment. Apparently, witchcraft is much less common than lycanthropy.


Emery didn't receive a call from Isaac after his shift ended. She thought he was most likely tired from work and school, and ultimately decided to let it go. Until she found out through a text from Stiles that Isaac was being interviewed by Sheriff Stilinski about the grave robbery that occurred in the middle of the night.

So, Emery quickly drives to the graveyard and parks her car at the curb. She rushes past the gate to the cemetery, taking in the police officers that patrol the area and examine the site. Isaac and his father stand with Stilinski by an open burial in the ground.

Instead of trying to make her way over to them, however, Emery decides to wait by the gate. She doesn't want to go through the troubles of explaining her reason for entering a crime scene to an officer. She's had enough of that in the past few weeks due to Scott and Stiles's incessant curiosity.

Much to her dismay, Emery notices how Isaac averts his eyes to his shoes and the ground when his father continues to cut him off when he tries to answer Stilinski's inquiries.

Although Isaac and Emery have spent almost every day together since they met, she's never really gotten to know her boyfriend's father. Isaac always tells her that he's busy or they'll have dinner with him another time.

Sometimes Emery wonders if there's a specific reason as to why Isaac avoids bringing her around his house, but she doesn't push the issue.

Emery reluctantly whispers, "audite," under her breath as she watches the interview from afar. The voices of Stilinski, Coach Lahey, and Isaac soon fills her ears.

"...and if she's out here tonight, and the temperature really drops—"

Isaac interrupts the Sheriff with a slight shrug, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I—I didn't see anything."

Coach Lahey lets out a chuckle. "Trust me, if he saw a naked girl outside a computer screen — or other than his girlfriend — he'd remember." He laughs at his son's uncomfortable reaction.

Emery shifts her weight from one foot to other, frowning at the man's remark. She and Isaac have never gone past kissing and lying beside each other in bed while he holds her. It just hasn't happened. Neither of them has brought it up to the other — maybe because they aren't ready yet.

Regardless, Coach Lahey's comment evidently bothers both of the teenagers. Emery thinks she might be gaining more clarity on Isaac's reasoning for never bringing her over.

After cutting himself short on his own ramble about his son playing alongside Isaac on the lacrosse team, Stilinski questions, "You guys get many grave robberies here?"

The dirty blond shrugs, his gaze flickering between the Sheriff and the burial. "A few. Usually, they just take stuff like jewelry."

"What'd this one take?"

"Her liver."

Stilinski's mouth parts in shock at the revelation, and he turns slightly to gape down at the grave below them. Emery's face contorts into one of disgust, her mind going over all the possibilities of why Lydia would take somebody's liver.

Although Scott had problems with controlling his own urges during his transformation, he never ate anyone's liver. He only spoke vicious words to Stiles and Emery during the full moon. What could've made Lydia take an organ? For food? Emery isn't sure.

Soon enough, Isaac is dismissed from the conversation. He grabs his backpack and lacrosse bag off of the ground, politely excusing himself and waving goodbye to Stilinski. The boy spots Emery waiting by the entrance, and he approaches her with long strides, his fists shoved into his jacket pockets.

Then Isaac reaches for her wrist when he meets her side. "Hey, what're you doing here?" Isaac asks, briefly adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.

"Stiles told me what happened last night," Emery says. She glances past him to see Coach Lahey looking at them with narrowed eyes. "Is everything okay with your dad?"

"Yeah, I just..." Isaac hesitates, anxiously looking back at his father before intertwining their fingers and leading her out of the cemetery. "It's nothing. We should get going; I have a morning practice today."

Emery agrees, motioning to the vehicle parked a few feet away. "Okay, we can drive there. I brought my car."

"Great," Isaac replies breathily.

𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, i. laheyWhere stories live. Discover now