Part 6

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Zoe's POV


"Um, this Zoe?"

"Yeah. Wait. Gene!? How did you get my number?"

"I'm using Eric's phone."

"Why? Where's Eric?"

"He's busing talking with Paul and our manager."

"Okay,....I guess."

"Look, Zoe. Our manager really wants to see you regarding our outfits."

"What!? Is it not good enough!? Or did I missed a design!? Or is the color not right!? Or is the fabric to stiff!? Or is the fabric to-"

"No. It's nothing like that. He just wants to see your designs for our next outfits so it's easier for us to try them on next time."

"Oh,.... Sorry. I overacted. I guess I just panicked."

"Don't worry about it. I'll send a cab for you. It should be at the entrance of the hotel in 30 minutes. I'll wait for you at the front door."

"Sure. Thanks Gene."

We both hung up and I took a quick shower and change my clothes.

As I grabbed my phone, my medicines just enough for the day and my bag, I locked the door towards me and Eric's room of the hotel and walk towards the stairs because the elevator was under repair.

I reached the bottom floor and gasped for air as the stairs were long. After a couple of minutes, I went outside and saw that the cab was here already. The driver saw me and came out of the driver's seat to open the door for me. I smiled and took his offer. "Thank you. That's very kind of you." I said as I sat at the passenger's seat in the back. He nodded and returned into the driver's seat with a warm smile.

It was a 2 hour drive, so, I took out my skecthbook and started designing the band newest outfits based on their taste and characters just how they like it.

After what felt like 2 hours, I finally made it there and just as promised Gene was there waiting for me. As soon as the cab parked in front of the entrance, Gne opened the door for me. "Thanks." I said as I step out from the cab and waited for Gene to pay the driver.

We both walked towards the door as we chat about my upcoming designs for their next shows. Then, Ace saw me and joined us as the three of us walk towards backstage and saw Paul and Eric still taliking to their manager.

"Eric!" I called out and he saw me and walks towards me as he hugged me in front of everyone.

Bill Aucoin, the band's manager saw me and greeted me with a smile. "You must be Zoe." He said. "Yep. That's me." I said with a smile as Eric's hand was on my waist.

"Great. I need to discuss with you about something really important in private." He said as he showed me where to go.

I glanced towards Eric and kissed him on the check. "Don't worry. It's probably not that long. Plus, I'll be fine." I said as I walked alongside with Mr. Aucoin.


Eric's POV

I watched as Zoe entered a room not far from us together with our manager.

"So, Eric. How she's doing?" Paul suddenly asked me which caught my attention and pulled me back to reality. "She told me that she's fine. But, I don't believe her. And, I'm starting to get worried every single day." I said as I sat at a nearby chair next to Gene.

"Have you tried asking her to go to the hospital?" Gene asked. "I didn't have the courage to ask her because knowing Zoe she will just say no." I said as I glanced towards the others, hoping they might have a better idea.

~After 30 minutes~

Zoe walked out from the room and our manager came over towards us too.

Paul started talking with our manager regarding tomorrow's practice with Gene too.

As I walk towards Zoe, I saw that she almost fell so, I quickly caught her. "Woah there. Are you sure that you're alright?" I asked, feeling a bit worried.

"Yes. I just got dizzy that's all. I'll be fine once we get back and I'll rest. I promise." Zoe said with a weak smile.

Why do you keep lying to me?

"If that's what you want then, let's head back early." I said as I helped her walk towards the door. "Ace. Me and Zoe are going to head back first. Tell Paul about us leaving, okay?" I said as Ace gave me a thumbs up.


I helped Zoe into the front seat and her seatbelt. Then, I went to the driver's seat and we were on our way back to the hotel.

"Zoe. I've been meaning to ask you about reconsidering going to the-" I was cut off.

"I won't go." Zoe said with a stern voice.

As we got to the hotel, Zoe went ahead towards our room.

I parked my car and locked it as I made my way towards our hotel room too. When I got there Zoe was inside the bedroom and I thought she was taking a quick shower but, I was wrong.

I waited for her to come out but, she never did. So, I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I knocked again and still no answer. I was starting to get worried even more as I knocked for the third time.

There was still no answer. I forced myself into the bedroom and saw that the bathroom door was open.

I was shocked to see that Zoe's body was shaking and standing by the bathroom sink as she cough more blood and started vomiting blood too.

"That's it!" I said as I walked towards her and helped her towards the bed.

"Eric. Please, I don't need to go to the hospital. I'm fine, really." Zoe said as she keeps on insisting that she doesn't need to go to the hospital.

"No. I'm taking you there whether you like it or not." I kept my stand and prepared her bags and mine just to make sure that whether if we have to spend the night there at the hospital.

As I packed all of the bags inside the my car's trunk, I went back to the hotel room to escort Zoe to the car.

But, when I got back to the hotel, I was shocked to see that Zoe has passed out by the bed. Her face was pale and she was breathing heavily. As I touched her forehead, I knew she has a high fever and not just that, I went through her medicine bags to find that she ran out of her medicine.

I grabbed her jacket and wrapped her with a blanket as I carried her in bridal style towards my car.

I placed her at the passenger's seat next to me while I'm driving just in case her condition got worse.

We made our way towards the hospital that night.

~To be continued~

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