Part 2

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As soon as the deal to become the KISS'S wardrobe designer, Zoe was on cloud nine.

"Well, I might as well go back home and start packing my stuff and explain to my parents about this offer, right?" Zoe said as she began to stand up and grabbed her jacket and bag.

Then, Eric grabbed her wrist. "I can drive you to your place. I mean after you finished packing, you might want someone to help you, right?" Eric asked as he blushed a bit.

"Sure. I don't mind. But,...." Zoe said as she glanced towards Paul. "Both of you can go. But, don't be late for tomorrow's practice." Paul said, strictly as he was now face to face with Eric. "Yes, boss! I won't be late!" Eric said as both Zoe and Eric made their way out of the hotel.

Zoe's POV

"So, what exactly happened yesterday?" Eric asked me as I was snapped back into reality. "Um,.... let's just say that I punched one of them and ran off without apologizing." I said as I smirk a bit.

"Woah. I can't believe you actually did that." Eric said as he parked his car right in front of my house. "Yeah. I don't like when people start to mess with me with no actual reason. So, I did what I do best, self defense of course." I said as I rang the doorbell in front of my house and we both waited until my mom opened the door.

"Sweetheart! Where have you been, young lady!?" My mom almost yelled at me. "She's back already!?" I could here my dad's voice from the kitchen.

"Yeah. I just took a wrong detour and Eric here helped me." I said as I introduced Eric to both my parents.

"Eric, huh?" My dad was glaring right into his eyes. "Hello there. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan." Eric said, nervously.

"Dad. Stop it. He helped me, remember." I said as I walk past my dad. "Make yourself at home, Eric. I'll just go upstairs and take a quick shower and come back down, alright?" I said as I wink at him.

"Yeah,....yeah.....sure. I can wait." Eric said as he blushed a bit again and I made my way upstairs and my father glared at him again.


"So, tell us, Eric. What kind of job do you have. I mean as you can see, my daughter is a fashion designer." My dad said as he sip his coffee and placed it on the kitchen counter right across Eric.

"Um, job requires a lot of traveling so,... it's complicated." Eric said as he tries to cover the fact that he is a famous drummer. "I see. That's good." My father said as again.

"Finally. Some fresh clothes on." I said as I went downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee and sat besides Eric.

Suddenly, Eric patted my shoulder lightly to signal me to tell my parents about the job that I got.

"Mom. Dad. I got a new job which is very promising but, I have to go with Eric because this job requires a lot of traveling." I said as I closed my eyes because I don't have the guts to see their reaction.

"How!? I mean when did you get the offer!?" My mom asked me, excitedly. "Well, I happened to got the chance to chat with Eric and he got me a gig with a new job. And, I think I will be able to handle it with his help." I said as my mom suddenly hugged me and started kissing me on my cheeks. I saw and heard Eric chuckled a bit.

"Dad? What do you think?" I asked as my mom finally lets go of me. Then, he lets out a sigh. "Both your twin brothers are doing pretty well with their jobs and your younger sister is still in school. I don't know, pumpkin." Dad said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"But, dad! I can take care of myself. And, with Eric by my side I know I can make a difference in my life. Please!?" I said as I used my charms towards my dad.

"Fine. But, if you lay a single strand of hair on her or hurt her, I will rain upon your parade with the most cruelsome ways possible! Do you hear me!?" My dad practically yelled at Eric which made him to back away a bit.

"Sir, yes sir!" He said with a little confidence. "So, when will you be leaving then, Z?" My dad asked me.

But, before I could answer his question, rain started to pour and both me and Eric glanced at each other. "I was supposed to leave today. But, with the weather like this, I'm sure we can postpone it to tomorrow?" I said nervously as I looked towards Eric's direction.


I was on the couch as I was tuning my guitar and Eric was trying to reach Paul. "Any luck?" I asked as Eric turned towards me and shock his head. "No. I guess the cell service here is bad." Eric said and walked towards the couch as he sat next to me. "Well, knowing Paul. Maybe he can forgive you because today is not a good weather." I said.

Then my youngest sister, Varriey came downstair with her KISS t-shirt on and went behind the couch. "Hey, have you seen my headphones?" she asked me. "No. Maybe by the kitchen counter." I said as she noticed Eric she then moved towards the kitchen counter. "Wait! You're with the drummer from-" she said and me and Eric quickly closed her mouth.

"Please, keep this a secret for the both of us?" Eric asked as Varriey was about to burst in excitement. "Sure. But, what's in it for me?" she asked with a confident smile. "Um,....I got a new job and I will buy you the latest KISS's albums and send it to you. How about that?" I asked. Then, she started thinking again. "The latest KISS's albums and magazines then, we got ouselves a deal." she said as she grabbed her headphones and held out her hand towards me.

I let out a sigh before shaking her hand in agreement. "Fine." I said and walks towards the kitchen.

As me and my mom prepared dinner, both Eric and Varriey sat on the couch. "So, what course are you in right now?' Eric suddenly asked as he was trying to lighten the mood. "I'm pursuing my dream to become an actress." Varriey replied. "Cool." Eric said as he played a few chords on my guitar.

After dinner

Eric's POV

"Well, looks like the rain is not going to stop. So, I have to stay here then." I said as I helped with the dishes. "I mean, you can use my brother's old room but, I'm afraid they will find out. That leaves the guest room then." Zoe said as we both finished with the dishes, Zoe went upstairs to get the guest room prepared.

Then, I felt a sudden chill from behind my back. As I turned around slowly, I saw that Zoe's father was glaring at me. "I'll help you, Zoe!" I said as fast as lighting, I went up the stairs too.


"So, the guest room is right across your room?" I asked as Zoe was standing besides me. "Actually, I share a room with my sister. So, I'm sure you'll understand." Zoe said as she glanced away.

"You don't have to be shy or afraid towards me anymore." I said as I placed my hand on her face. "I know. I'm just afraid what my dad will do to you." Zoe said as I was starting to feel scared too.

"It's getting late. We should probably head to bed now." Zoe said as she kissed my cheek. But, before she left, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a kiss towards my lips. She was shocked at first then, she returned the kiss too.

We both pulled back and wished each other good night.


I laid down on the bed that was inside the guest room and looked towards the ceiling as I never felt anything like this. Do I love her? And, does she loves me back? I kept asking myself this question until I fell asleep.


Zoe's POV

I laid down on my bed as I got myself tucked in and before I could sleep. I asked myself a question. Does he love me? That was my first kiss. I asked myself as I blushed a bit and drifted of to sleep.

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