Part 4

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Zoe's POV

We arrived at the airport just in time and we weren't scolded by Paul either instead he asked if I am comfortable with flying with them on their private plane.

I said it was alright. Then, we made our way towards their next destination.

After we landed, Eric linked his arm with mine. "Hey, Eric! When's the wedding?" Ace asked as he laughed together with Gene. I just sigh watching them fool around.

"Haha. Very funny, guys." Eric said as he placed his hand on my waist.


We checked in to the hotel and went to rehearsals.

"You know, while we rehearse, Zoe can come with so, she can work on our outfits for our next concert." Paul said as he smiles towards me. "That's actually not a bad idea." I said as I grabbed my notebook and my bag.


I took the opportunity to change my clothes too.

After preparing everything we needed, we head towards the location of their rehearsals

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After preparing everything we needed, we head towards the location of their rehearsals.

"This place is wicked!" I said as we made our way in and took off my jacket.

"This is your first time here, Zoe?" Gene asked as he walks besides me along with Eric. "Yeah! I mean this place is huge!" I said. "Zoe! Follow me!" Paul suddenly called my name as I followed behind him.

Eric seemed to be left out. "It seems you got some competition there, Foxy." Gene said. "Be careful not lose the fight." Ace said too as they both started to make jokes behind of Eric. But, Eric ignored them and followed Paul and Zoe too.


Eric's POV

We've been walking along the hallway until Paul suddenly stopped in front of a door to his right and opened it.

"Lady's first." Paul said as he allowed Zoe to walk in first. "This is heaven!" Zoe screamed in excitement as she ran around and started examining the room herself. "I'm glad you like it. Because all of the materials that you need to make our outfits are all in here and if you have any requests or questions, you can ask me or Eric." Paul said as he winked towards me.

I got the signal and took this opportunity. "Well, rehearsals starts in 30 minutes so, make yourself comfortable first." Paul said as he leaves the room and leaving me and Zoe alone.


"So, Zoe. Since you're already here. How about you help me with something." I asked, nervously. "Huh? Sure. Anything for you. I mean, I would love to help and what do you want my help with?" Zoe asked as she came forward towards me.

"I want you to watch us during  our rehearsals. If that's okay with you I mean I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything." I asked as my cheeks started to burn. "Of course, silly. How else am I supposed to design your outfits." Zoe said as I saw smiling and blushed a bit.

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