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Fourty five minutes later, Tony and Peter have managed to move Jasper to the couch despite his death grip on the bottom of Peter's shirt. As they get comfortable with Jasper straddling Peter's lap, Tony continues to soothingly rub his thumb along Jasper's cheek, his face still turned out on Peter's shoulder. Tony then starts to try and pull Jasper out of his head by speaking to him softly when he sees that his eyes have focused the slightest bit more on the real world and his tears have stopped.

"Hi, Jasper. I'm Tony, I'm sure Peter has told you all about me of course. Although this is definitely not the way I imagined us meeting would go, I'm still sos toked to meet you, kid. I heard that you're an incredible boyfriend to Peter."

"Love," is the only word that Jasper manages to get out softly while his eyes quickly dart around, clearly not really seeing. Tony smiles softly hearing the one word.

"You love Peter? Me too. He's pretty great isn't he?" Tony asks, receiving the tiniest quirk of Jasper's lips in response, showing his agreement. It's clear to Tony that talking about Peter is going to be the best way to bring Jasper back. Meanwhile, Peter continues to use one hand to card through Jasper's hair while the other arm is wrapped around they boy in his lap, softly running his hand up and down his back. He's smiling softly at his boyfriend, lovingly.

"You know I was so proud of Peter when he told me you guys were together this morning. Proud of him for finding someone who makes him so incredibly happy. Proud of him for telling me," Tony tells Jasper.

"Proud. 'Pider baby. My," Jaspre says oh so softly and slowly. Tony looks up at Peter, wondering if the jumbled words mean anything to him. Upon hearing Jasper's words, Peter leans down to press a kiss on the crown of his head before speaking softly.

"You're proud of your Spider Baby, too?" Peter questions. As tony understands now, he gives both boys a kiss on their foreheads, so incredibly happy for both kids for finding eachother.

"Ouch," Jasper suddenly says, still softly, his eyes going slightly out of focus again.

"What hurts, Bug? Can you tell me?" Peter asks as Jaspers face screws up in pain.

"Lightning. Can't. Ouch," Jasper's tears begin to trail down his face again.

Peter's face immediately crumples in sadness, his arms tightening around the boy.

After Jasper had a nightmare during one of their sleepovers, he had told Peter all about his childhood. How he had been grown in a lab by Hydra. How he had been tortured for his entire life. How Hydra had given him the super soldier serum as well as experimenting on him. How those experiments had given him his ability to fly, his ability to harness electricity. How his ability to harness electricity had been given to him through being electricuted by what he called the lightning brutally every single day for years on end. How he escaped two years older when he was sixteen. How Hydra was so busy trying to get the soldier back who had escaped two years prior to Jasper, that they had accidentally left his cell unlocked one day.

"You're not there, Bug. They can't hurt you anymore. You're in the Avengers tower with me and Mr. Stark. I'm rubbing your back and playing with your hair, Mr. Stark is rubbing your cheek. Can you feel that, Bug?"

"Mhm. Feel."

"Good. Mr. Stark? Can you rub your finger up and down his nose for me? That always makes him fall asleep," Peter asks.

"Nose," Jasper says upon hearing Peter's words, his eyes focusing more before closing softly once Tony starts running his index finger along his nose. Peter chuckles, knowing that for Jasper, this is his melting spot just like Peter's hair.

It doesn't take long for Jasper to drift off into a peaceful sleep, Peter continuing to hold his Bug as close as he can.

I'm Back! I know, I know, I've been gone for literally months, sorry about that. I don't think I can even explain in words how much I have missed this story, It's literally my favourite thing ever and I lowkey (highkey) fangirl everytime I think about Peter and Jasper and what's to come for them. I truly hope you all love them and this story as much as I do.
Anyways, expect many more updates now that I am finally back home and not living in the middle of nowhere anymore!
Love you all <3
Happy Reading!

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