coming out

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The next morning, Peter leaves Jasper to head to the tower, only after a good half hour of morning cuddles and soft kisses and conversation. Jasper has a meeting with another artist that wants him to write with them before he meets Peter and the rest of the Avengers at the tower in the afternoon. 

“Hey Underoos, when is that friend of yours coming by?” Peter hears Tony ask as he walks into the common room. All the Avengers are present, including Pepper who is sitting at the counter on her tablet, working from there that day since Jasper is coming. Tony sits beside her with a tablet of his own. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, and Thor are all spread out between the open kitchen and living room. 

“Oh, um…. He’ll be here this afternoon, he has a meeting first.” He replies. Peter knows that he needs to tell them now about Jasper actually being his boyfriend but he’s just nervous. With Steve and Bucky being from the thirties and Thor from another planet, he has no idea how any of them are going to react to his sexuality; the topic has never been brought up before. He decides that he just wants to tell Tony first. He values Mr. Stark’s opinion and looks up to him so much that he knows that even if everybody else hates him for being gay, he could like with that as long as Tony still loved and accepted him. 

Peter took about twenty minutes to draft a speech in his head and calm his nerves once he and Tony were in the lab together. Tony, of course, knows his kid well enough to know that something’s bothering him. He also knows his kid well enough to know that he needs to give him enough time to talk himself into telling Tony about it before he brings it up himself. 

“Mr. Stark, can I tell you something? I just want you to know because well you’re my role model and I really, really care about what you think of me. I want you to be proud of me but I really have no idea what your thoughts are on this so I don’t know if you’re going to hate me. I really don’t want you to hate me but I also really don’t want to have to lie to you. You know what? Nevermind, it’s okay, I won’t tell you. You can’t hate me if you don’t know,” Peter suddenly rambles, speaking so quickly that Tony has to pay close attention if he even wants a shot at understanding. 

“Peter…. Peter…. Pete…. Kid…. Peter!” He tries to interrupt multiple times before finally being heard. He walks over and puts his hands on Peter’s shoulders, “Calm down kiddo, you can tell me anything. I will never hate you. Now take a deep breath and tell me what’s going on.” He tells him calmly. They take a few deep breaths together before Peter speaks again. 

“I’m gay.”

As soon as Peter says the words he closes his eyes and holds his breath, praying for a good reaction. When he doesn’t hear anything for a moment he slowly opens his eyes to see Tony in front of him, hands still on his shoulders and a soft smile on his face that allows Peter to let out the breath he was holding. When Tony sees that Peter’s full attention is now on him, he moves his hands up to cradle Peter’s face and starts to speak. 

“That’s great Pete, I’m so proud of you. Thank you for telling me, bambino,” he says with a soft smile. Peter’s eyes slowly start to tear up, Tony’s soft smile now reciprocated. 

“Really? You’re okay with it? Like really okay with it and not just saying it to make me feel better? You can tell me if you’re not, I can take it, I promise,” he says quickly, “you’re proud of me?” he then adds in the most heartbreakingly hopeful tone that Tony has ever heard. Keeping the soft smile on his face, Tony kisses Peter’s forehead. 

“Of course I’m more than okay with that. As long whoever you’re with treats you as incredibly as you deserve to be treated I couldn’t care less about who they are. I am so incredibly proud of you for telling me, and for allowing yourself to be happy,” as soon as he finishes speaking he finds himself with an armful of ecstatic teenager, almost bouncing with excitement and joy and being accepted and reaffirmed in such a way. 

Lightning Bug (Peter Parker)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ