chapter one

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On top of a skyscraper where no one else could see, sat Peter Parker, his Spiderman mask pulled up just to his nose so he could eat his churro that an old lady had bought him as thanks for getting her purse back from a thief. On the other end of the roof sits another local hero, unbeknownst to Peter. Jasper Jacobs, more commonly known at night as Surge, looks over at Peter and can't help but laugh seeing the boy practically bouncing in excitement about his churro. Hearing the laugh, Peter jumps and looks over, instantly relaxing and letting out a sigh of relief at the sight of a somewhat familiar mask. Although the two boys have never formally met before, they have on occasion run into each other at bank robberies and apartment fires.

"Nice to finally meet you, Spiderman." Jasper speaks with a chuckle, walking over and sitting next to Peter.

"Oh, hey, sorry about that. Wasn't exactly expecting company all the way up here." Peter replies, suddenly more thankful than ever for his mask covering up his tomato red cheeks of embarrassment.

Conversation flows for hours between the two. Anyone would think that they had been best friends for years. Anyone who looked just a little closer would think that they had even been in love for years. Having taken off their masks within the first hour, you could clearly see the love at first sight between the two. With their constant need for physical touch whether it be a hand on an arm or their thighs touching and the adoring, passionate looks in both their eyes.

The two boys talk about any and everything under the sun, both of them feeling beyond happy and blissed out in each other's presence. They find throughout the night that they have many things in common. From their ages being the same at 18, to both being orphans ( although Jasper lives on his own and has since he was 14) to their love of star wars, their love of helping people, and fear of spiders. Peter also finds out that in his daily life, Jasper is a singer/ songwriter, and he actually knows quite a few of his songs.

When the sun can be seen rising over the New York City skyline the two boys are still sat on the roof looking out, now with Jasper's arm around Peter's shoulders while the latter's head is on his chest, pressed as close to each other as possible.

"Well, as amazing as this is, it's about time for spider babies to get to school. Can't have Tony Stark on my ass for corrupting you." Jasper says quietly, squeezing Peter closer for a moment and laying his head on top of the boys.

Peter immediately snuggles closer, "don't want to leave you," he says just as quietly.

"Don't worry spider baby, given that I've known you were the love of my life since the first word you spoke to me, you're going to be seeing much more of me." Jasper replies nonchalantly, as if he didn't just confess his love within 8 hours of knowing Peter.

"The love of your life huh, lightning bug? Well it's a good thing that I've discovered you're the love of my life too or this could've been super awkward." Peter replies just as nonchalantly.

"Glad we've come to an agreement, spider baby. Now, let me be a gentleman and escort you to your apartment so you can get ready for school." Jasper says letting go of Peter, both boys standing on the edge of the roof.

Grinning over at Jasper, Peter lets himself fall forward, flying towards the ground before shooting a web to catch himself at the last second. He looks back while swinging to see Jasper flying through the air behind him, imitating swinging from webs making Peter laugh. Hearing the laugh, Jasper speeds up his flying to get in front, whooping and doing flips in the air in an attempt to keep Peter laughing.

Upon getting to Peter's apartment, he swiftly hops in the window before pulling Jasper in behind him. Both boys take their masks back off, standing with their noses practically touching. Slowly, they both lean in, meeting in a soft kiss. Both boys could swear they could feel fireworks and hearts in the air around them. Jasper had to take a moment to question if his powers were acting up and electrocuting Peter, feeling the pure energy and electricity between the two.

Pulling away slowly, Jasper softly holds Peter's cheeks in his hands while Peter's hands are holding his waist. Both their eyes slowly flutter open, soft smiles being on both their faces.

"I am so writing a song about you," Jasper whispers before connecting their lips again in a soft chaste peck. He starts to climb back out the window, putting his mask back on.

"See you tonight spider baby."

"See you tonight lightning bug."

Lightning Bug (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now