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After school, Peter heads straight to the tower to work in the lab with Tony before going on patrol after dinner. Although still vaguely distracted by his thoughts of Jasper, he has managed to focus slightly better, knowing he would be seeing his lightning bug again in a few hours.

"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter says happily like usual walking into the lab. What he didn't expect was for Tony to sharply look over at him with a look of pure frustration.

"Underoos! Good, you're here. What's the most romantic but actually good song you know? Pepper wants me to pick the song for our first dance but I'm not exactly into lovey-dovey shit songs." He says quickly, knowing the kid spends enough time online to be helpful.

Peter's face immediately lights up, not missing a beat, "I'm glad you asked, I know the perfect song and it's by one of my best friends."

"Great! Let's hear it kiddo." Tony exclaims, ruffling Peter's hair.

"Now I will warn you, it is from his country faze. That being said, it's also more pop-country so I think you'll still like it. F.R.I.D.A.Y, would you please play (it's a surprise) by Jasper Jacobs. The video, please."

The lights dim in the lab and the video begins playing on the screen in front of them. After the song is finished tony looks amazed, the only thing coming out of his mouth is a plea for F.R.I.D.A.Y to get Pepper to the lab as fast as possible. Peter just sits, grinning at Jasper on the screen with an adoring look in his eyes.

"Pep! My -THE- the kid's a genius!" Tony exclaims, waving her over as soon as she enters the lab. He and Peter both blush and ignore Tony's slip of calling Peter his kid, while Pepper just smiles smugly.

"Well, I think we already knew that, but why exactly is your kid a genius this time?" she says with a smile, a hand on each of the boy's backs. Peter is trying, and failing, to keep the blush off his face at being referred to as Tony's kid by both of them now.

"I have been trying to find the perfect song for our first dance for two weeks, the kid walks in and shows me the perfect one within seconds!" Tony exclaims excitedly, throwing his arms over Peter's shoulders and ruffling his hair affectionately.

"It was nothing really. It's by one of my best friends who's also my favorite singer. He's got the perfect song for every situation really." Peter tells them sheepishly, still not able to rid himself of the blush on his face from the praise his only father figure is giving him. "That's amazing! Let's hear it!" Pepper beams. Tony stands and holds his hand out for his fiancee, silently asking her to dance with him. The song plays and both adults listen closely to the lyrics, looking at each other adoringly and slowly swaying. Peter, again, watches the music video, loving seeing his lightning bug on the screen.

As the song ends, Tony and Pepper share a soft kiss. Pepper then looks over at Peter excitedly and brings him into a hug. Peter hugs back, but really melts into the affection when Tony starts carding his hand through the teenager's hair; one of his known weaknesses that Tony likes to call the melt button. "Peter! It's perfect! Thank you so much, " Pepper tells him, squeezing him tighter. All three of them then pull away before Pepper turns to him again with a sudden hopeful look.

"Wait! You said the singer is your friend, right?" Peter nods excitedly, just purely matching her energy and enthusiasm. "That also means he's in New York, right? Do you think he would be interested in singing live for our first dance? We'll pay top dollar of course!" She asks quickly, bouncing on her toes. Tony looks at her and prays Peter gives a positive response if it's going to make her that happy.

Peter smiles softly while replying, "He would absolutely love that, he's gonna lose my mind when I tell him." He chuckled softly. "Despite already being extremely well known he's always looking for opportunities to get his music out there. He's an amazing singer and even better songwriter, and will most likely cry from happiness just knowing that you guys really listened to and related to his lyrics." Pepper quickly hugs him again, telling him to get back to her tomorrow if Jasper agrees and how much he charges before she leaves the lab to go back to work or wedding preparations.

Lightning Bug (Peter Parker)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن