my baby

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At three o’clock that afternoon Jasper finally gets out of his meeting. Some celebrities are just the worst as he has come to realize in his few years in the music industry. He just spent the last four hours trying to work out a deal with an artist that wants him to write for them; without pay. The whole thing was mind numbing and all he can think about now is how he’s late to meet with his spider-baby and the Avengers. 

Laying his head down on the table he pulls out his phone after everyone else has left the room, immediately calling Peter. At the same time, Peter is ecstatic when he finally sees his phone ringing with the name ‘lightning bug’ on the screen. Seeing his kid’s face light up, Tony smiles fondly, answering the call and putting it on speaker for him to hear and Peter to speak. 

“Hey baby, sorry I’m a little late. I hate meetings, have I ever told you that? Especially four hour long meetings with entitled, bratty, greedy singers who have nothing better to do than piss me off.” Jasper rants slightly as soon as the call is answered. 

“I know, bug. You hate meetings, the people in them’s life purpose is to make you angry, and singers are the worst.” Peter says sarcastically, him and Tony both smiling amusedly. 

“See, I knew you would get it. This is why you’re my favourite. Anyways, I’m just packing up here then I’m on my way.” Jasper says clearly choosing not to comment on Peter’s sarcasm. 

“Perfect, F.R.I.D.A.Y will let me know when you get here and I’ll meet you in the lobby to bring you up and meet everyone. You told me to remind you to make sure you have your music laptop and lyric book, you got ‘em?” Peter asks, getting excited at the thought of seeing his lightning bug soon. 

“Right, shit. I have my lyric book but I don’t have the right laptop. Okay, change of plans. I’m getting on my bike now, gonna stop by my place lightning fast, then I’m on my way to you; 20 minutes tops.” He stresses out slightly. The sound of his Motorcycle starting can be heard in the background. 

“Okay, no hurry. Drive safe and I’ll see you soon, bug.” 

“Will do, see you soon baby.” 

The call ends with the sound of Jasper’s motorcycle revving up. Peter stands there with a smile, Tony looking at him amusedly. 
“Well then Underoos, I guess we should get everyone gathered up to meet your boy toy.” Tony tells him, wrapping his arm around Peter’s shoulders as they make their way to the common room after having F.R.I.D.A.Y alert everyone else to meet them there. 

A couple minutes later, the Avengers are all congregated in the common room, spread out between the couches and chairs while Peter sits excitedly by himself on the love seat not really paying attention to conversation, just waiting for the arrival of his Jasper. About 20 minutes later, he finally gets the word that Jasper has arrived and jumps up, running for the elevator while squealing slightly like a twelve year old girl. 

“Well, I guess he’s excited. How’s everyone else feeling about this kid?” Tony asks as they all laugh. 

“Well I, for one, couldn’t be more excited. Just from the few songs I’ve heard and the way peter lights up when he’s mentioned I feel like he’s gonna be fantastic.” Pepper says from beside Tony. 


Peter practically bounces out of the elevator into the lobby, quickly locating his boyfriend and running over to him. Jasper sees Peter just in time to catch him around the waist as he jumps up and wraps his arms around his neck. 

“Everyone’s so excited to meet you. I’m so excited for them to meet you. Missed you, lightning bug.” Peter mumbles into Jasper’s ear as they hug.

“Missed you too, spider baby. I know how much they all mean to you, which means they mean a lot to me, which means that I’m excited to meet them too.” They pull away enough to be able to face eachother, arms staying where they were wrapped. Peter smiles adoringly at Jasper. He can’t believe how lucky he is to have found someone so incredibly kind and caring. 

“Come on, everyone’s waiting.” They share a sweet kiss, linking hands and heading into the elevator back up to the common room. 

“I should have a song playing, right? Like a theme song for my big entrance. But there’s so many to choose from; I should’ve had a mix ready.” Jasper says dramatically, free hand flying exaggeratedly as he talks. 

“I mean you can play a theme song if you’d like, but you dont have much time to decide. Maybe tonight you can make a dramatic entrance mix that can be played next time.” Peter laughs and tells him, trying to placate what he knows is actually Jasper’s anxiety around the situation -although the boy himself would never admit it- and with those last words, the elevator arrives and the two boys step out. 

Walking into the common room, however, does not quite go as well as expected. All Jasper really has time to do is get a quick glance at everyone in the room before he happens to make eye contact with one person in particular, causing both of them to grab their heads and groan in pain. 

Peter quickly grabs Jasper’s biceps, slowly lowering him to the ground as his legs simultaneously give out. He sits in between Jaspers legs and holds his face in his hands, looking around in panic for somebody to help him. Jasper’s head slumps forward onto Peter’s shoulder, his eyes wide and unseeing as tears slowly leak down his cheeks. Seeing his Jasper’s expression and tears, Peter lets out a distressed sound in the back of his throat that kicks everybody into action. 

“Okay kiddo, everything’s okay,” Tony says reassuringly to both boys as he kneels down on the side of Peter that Jasper is facing. Tony, after everything he’s been through knows immediately upon seeing the teens face that he’s having some kind of flash back, and a severe one at that. He slowly places his hand on Jasper’s cheek, moving his thumb to rub it soothingly while his other arm went around Peter's shoulder to pull both boys into his chest. Peter’s grip on his boyfriend never falters as Tony’s hand starts tracing through his hair, both of them knowing that all they can do now for Jasper is provide comfort and wait it out. 

Keeping up the rhythmic motions, Tony and Peter both turn to look at Bucky, who is now sitting on the couch, head in his hands and elbows on knees while Steve sits beside him, rubbing his back. 

“Buck? What just happened? You okay?” Steve asks gently once Bucky is lucid again from his own flashbacks. 

“Oh my God. I forgot, I can’t believe I forgot, they made me forget,” were the only words to come out of Bucky who was trying to wrap his head around all of the memories he was just bombarded with. He finally looks up from his hands, his eyes going straight to Jaspers face, only two heartbroken words coming out of his mouth; two words which are enough to have everyone gasp and look between the two in disbelief. 

“My baby”

Lightning Bug (Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now