Chapter 1

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Moving to a small mountain town was not on your bucket list for that year. But supposedly for your parents it was on theirs, wanting to get away from the hustling and bustling of big city life. You had an issue with it though because now it's going to be cold all year round, or at least that's how you expect it to be in your head.

The drive from your old city to this new one was so long and draining that when they pulled up to your new house you barely realised it. "Y/n, come on, wake up and help us move these boxes!", your dad yells from the other side of the moving truck. "Okay, hold on, I'm still super sleepy though." Your dad shakes his head and hands you a box, "Fine, go inside and help your mom unpack."

"Mama, dad told me to help you unpack!" you yell for the woman since she is nowhere on the first level of the house. "Ok, I'm setting up the bathroom up here, do some of the kitchen stuff!" Nodding your head to yourself you start to unpack very quickly, if you're forced to move here you at least want to go out and meet some new people.

After a little over an hour you were able to not only help out your mom with the kitchen but unpack most of your bedroom. While finishing up the last of it your mother walked in, "Y/n, you cleaned up very nice in here, if you want, you can go out and explore." That was all you needed to hear before grabbing your coat, running down the stairs and out the door.

You stand in the snow for a second before deciding to start walking to the right. Hopefully if you walk far enough you'll end up somewhere where you can mingle with other kids your age. As you walk you could swear you hear chatting up ahead, so you walk a little quicker. While walking you see a group of kids around your age heading to a coffee shop. So you decide to do the same.

Looking through the window you can see it's a group of girls, they all got their hot drinks and are chatting amongst themselves occasionally taking peaks at their phones or snapping pics. You walk in the building, the little bell on the door tells everyone someone has arrived. When you first walk in you feel nervous because some older people in the shop stare at you, and when you look at the girls they are too. "Can I get a Caramel Macchiato?" The boy at the register tics a little before nodding his head. "I-is that all?" Looking at the blonde you nod and hand him your card.

When you step back from ordering you feel a presence at your side, "Hey you must be the new girl, it's so nice to meet you!" You turn your head to lock eyes with a girl with dark hair, a pink beret, and a purple coat. "How did you know that?" She looks me up and down, "I have not seen anyone dress this cute in South Park." After saying that she gives you a smile, letting you know it was only good intentions she had.

"Y/n your order is r-ready!" He practically yelled it at you but you decided not to blame him since it seemed he couldn't help it. "Thanks!" You turn to tell the girl you were gonna leave but before you could she was already making room at her table with her friends. "Over here, we made room for you-" You walk over, "Y/n, my name is Y/n or you can call me by my nickname, N/n."

You spent what felt like hours with the girls laughing, talking, even gossiping about others in the town. They made it super easy to learn everyone's names and what they looked like down to every detail. "Yeah and you know the barista, his boyfriend is Craig Tucker, total hottie, too bad he is gay." Bebe threw up her hand and placed it on her heart, "The good ones are always gay." Wendy went and smacked Bebe on the arm playfully, "Stan is a good one and he isn't." Wendy turns to look at you, "Stan is my boyfriend, he is actually the one that told me about having someone move in next to him."

You open your mouth to say something but are interrupted by Bebe continuing her talk of everyone in town. Wendy mouths to you how you both can talk later.

The sun started to set, and the girls started getting up from their seats. They all huddled around you asking for your phone number and even added you to their group chats. "Here is my number, and add this emoji by my name." Wendy pointed at the lilacs emoji.

Wendy and you started to walk together, ramble on about your old city and what you would hope to get out of South Park. "Well at least you made some friends here and don't be afraid of school, I swear it's great here, well for the most part." Wendy waves at you and makes her way to her own house a block over.

You hustle to your own home and make it inside, your father looks at you from the TV, "You were gone a while, it's almost dark, what did you do to meet some boys?" You look at your dad and shake your head, "No I met some girls, they are super sweet and funny." Your mom walks out of the kitchen, "Do you like any of these girls?" Your eyes widen and a blush appears over your cheeks, "No mom, I just met them now leave me alone about it!" Your mom and dad laugh as you run up to your room and close the door.

Wendy was pretty cute but like she said she has a boyfriend so nothing would happen. 

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