Chapter 3: A Cold, Comfort, and a Decision

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A month had gone by since Gilbert kissed me. We still talked but things seemed a bit awkward because of our kiss. We still pretended to be in love, despite loving each other and not acting upon our feelings. I had to miss school because of a cold and a fever today. Anne was bringing me a damp cloth for my forehead and a glass of water before she left for school.

"How are you feeling, Abby," Anne asked as she put the damp cloth on my head.
"Just a little feverish and sniffly. Although, I should be back in school tomorrow," I answered as I sneezed.
"I'll make sure to get the work that you missed today from Mr. Phillips, in addition to handing him this note that Marilla wrote to excuse your absence, and help you prepare for tomorrow," Anne said.
"Thank you, Anne. You are such a sweet sister," I said before letting out a small cough.
"Thank you, Abby. But you're the sweet one. I always manage to find trouble somehow. Now, get well as soon as you can. I don't need my sister on her deathbed," she said, over romanticizing my situation.
"Oh, stop being so swoony and get to school. I'm sure you're running behind by now. Besides, I don't wish for you to catch this cold," I said honestly.
"Alright. I will see you after school with Diana," Anne said before kissing my cheek and heading off to school.

A few hours later, I heard a knock on my door.

"You can come in, Marilla," I said assuming it would be Marilla with a fresh damp cloth, water, and lunch.

I was wrong. The door opened, and it was Gilbert. He was holding a book, a damp cloth, a cup of water, and a bowl of soup all on a tray.

"Gilbert! I wasn't expecting you! Shouldn't you be in class right now," I asked.
"I was confused as to why you did not show up to school today. I overheard everything from Anne and Diana...mainly Anne. I left after lunch to come to see you. Mr. Phillips won't suspect a thing, especially since I have your sister and Diana to cover for me. Besides, Marilla allowed me up here since I am still your 'beau', aren't I," he asked with a chuckle as he put the tray on my nightstand, put the new damp cloth on my head, handed me the cup of water, and kissed my cheek.
"I suppose so. Thank you for coming to see me, Gilbert. Your presence is quite comforting," I replied with a weak smile.
"I'm glad," he smiled.
"So, what did I miss at school before you left," I asked.
"Just a lecture over the War of 1812," Gilbert responded.
"I'm sure it was a dry and dull lecture, considering Mr. Phillips' lectures. I just wish we had a teacher who was more lively, longed to build relationships with us, and cared about our learning and educational growth, unlike Mr. Phillips, who only seems to care about whether we do well or not academically," I said with a sniffle before eating a spoonful of the soup.
"You're not wrong about Mr. Phillips' lectures. Hey! Maybe you could be that kind of teacher...for future students, of course," Gilbert said.
"I can only aspire to. I'm sure you'll make a better doctor than I will as a teacher," I said truthfully.
"Don't say that, Peaches! I never want to hear you say something that negative like that again! You'll make an astonishing teacher one day! I just know we'll make amazing teachers and doctors when we're older," Gilbert said with sincerity.
"I suppose you're right, Gil," I said.

There was a brief silence before Gilbert cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Abby, what are we? A pretend couple to please all of Avonlea? Or are we more than that? I'm not trying to pressure you to come to a decision at all. I am only curious because things have been a bit awkward over the past month since we shared that first kiss," Gilbert stated truthfully.
"I know it has been about a month since we shared that magical and splendid kiss, Gilbert. I truly want to be your girl, but I can't help but have Josie Pye linger in the back of my mind as she tries everything she possibly can to tear us apart," I said honestly.
"So what if Josie Pye tries to break us up? She already believes that you and I are courting, and she has yet to do anything about breaking us up. I think she has accepted that we love each other, Abby. We both confessed our love for each other one month ago. Ignore what Josie Pye thinks. She is just jealous of us and how I chose you over her because she is infatuated with me. She and all the other girls at school, except for Anne and Diana, seem to be infatuated with me for my looks. I know you love me for who I am, not my appearance. I know that for a fact. Since the moment we met, you've been nothing but kind to me, not swooning over my looks. And I've been the same towards you. I have always admired intelligence and kindness over beauty. You've just been blessed with all three: intelligence, kindness, and beauty," he told me with sincerity.
"I have made my decision. I will officially be your girl, Gilbert Blythe," I said with a smile after setting the tray on my nightstand.
"Oh, Abby! You have made me the happiest boy in the whole world," he said enthusiastically as he hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"You truly are my kindred spirit, Gil," I beamed.
"And you are mine. Say, why don't you finish your soup as I read to you for a while? That is what Miss Cuthbert insisted I do," he said.
"Alright. What are you going to read," I asked.
"Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It's quite a good book. It's about a mad scientist, who creates a creature, which he immediately becomes terrified of, when all the creature longs for is love and acceptance," Gilbert answered.
"That's quite interesting! Please start reading it now. You've got me captivated by it, and I haven't heard a single word of the novel yet," I stated with a smile.
"Alright. I'll read it to you," Gilbert said with a chuckle before opening his copy of Frankenstein and starting to read it.

An hour had passed, and I was listening to Gilbert read intently. According to him, we were at least one fourth of the way through the novel. I was so captivated by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The monster was completely misunderstood. All he wanted was love. Then, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I said.

Marilla then walked in to check on my fever.

"Thank goodness that nasty fever of yours has gone away. You must be feeling better now with your company," Marilla said as she removed the damp cloth off my head and then glanced at Gilbert with a grin. 
"Oh, most certainly, Marilla," I beamed.
"You know, you two remind me of myself and another fellow when I was younger," she said.
"Who, Marilla," I asked.

"Miss Cuthbert, it was my father, wasn't he? He told me how you both courted, were engaged, but you both broke it off because you both got into a quarrel and were too stubborn to reconcile,"  Gilbert explained.
"You are absolutely right, Gilbert. But you and Abby both must make amends after a quarrel. No matter what. No going to sleep at night angry with each other. I don't want what happened between your father and me to happen to you both. I can tell you are both kindred spirits and perfect for each other. Do not spoil a wonderful romance over petty arguments," she said.
"Of course, Miss Cuthbert. I might be my father's son, but I am certainly not my father," he said reassuringly.

"I promise to never let the sun go down upon my anger and be rash, Marilla, no matter who I encounter in life," I said.
"That's good to hear. I'll come back later to make sure you are getting better, Abby. Now, if you both will excuse me, I need to start supper," she told me before leaving my room.

Then, I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Shall we continue where we left off? I'm dying to know what happens next," I said with a huge grin.
"Anything for you, my love," Gilbert said with a smile.

And so, Gilbert kept me in good spirits by continuing to read Frankenstein.

A/N: I apologize for such a short filler chapter. I still hope that you enjoyed it though! Please continue to comment and vote! Your feedback is much appreciated!

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