I put my hands on his shoulders and push him off of me. "I'm Aven, we actually met at your birthday party over the summer." I tell her. She glares at me before looking back at Grayson. "Can I talk to you, in private?" She asks while folding her arms. 

"We are in the middle of something right now." He says pointing between us. "It can actually wait, I need to get something from my locker anyway." I say getting up. He knits his eyebrows together shaking his head at me. 

"Perfect." She says bumping  into me as she sits in my seat. I don't look at Grayson as I grab my tray and make my way to the garbage. I can't believe he put me in the middle of that. He needs to grow up and talk to her.        

The bell rings a few minutes after and I make my way to study hall. I take out my English homework and start working on it.

Grayson comes in fifteen minutes late with a scowl on his face. He sit's a few chairs away from me. He pulls out his phone pretending i'm not here. Is he seriously mad at me? I scoff at him and continue working on my assignment.

He didn't talk to me the whole class period, just laid his head sideways on the table playing some kind of phone game. I debated a few times whether or not to ask what his deal was but decided against it. I don't want to make him more mad.

The rest of school went the same, boring. Nora ignored me during History, she's been infatuated with Madison a lot more recently and I don't know why. She only really talks to me when Madison isn't around. So I kept to myself and tried paying attention to the lesson Mr. Dahlke was giving.

Grayson was still mad, snapping at anyone who talked to him. I didn't dare talk to him, not wanting to poke the bear. I wonder if it's his time of the month.


We didn't have practice today because coach was sick. I went straight home after school and watched vampire chicks with grandpa while grandma was cooking dinner.

"Questo maledetto spettacolo mi farà venire un infarto!" (This damn show will give me a heart attack!) Grandpa said, clutching his heart while his eyes are glued to the TV. We are at a part where another main character dies. "smettila di guardare quella stupida tv e vieni a mangiare!" (Stop watching that stupid TV and come eat!) Grandma yells from the dining room.

Grandpa jumps up from his chair and basically runs to the kitchen rubbing his hands. I chuckle at how easily he can be persuaded when it comes to grandma and food. I follow him to the dining room, sitting down at the table. "Come sta il tuo ragazzo?" (How is your boyfriend?) Grandma asks.

I start choking on my saliva. I grab my water and start gulping it down. "Non è il mio ragazzo!" (He is not my boyfriend!) I say, annoyed. I am starting to get annoyed with everyone saying that. I've only known him for a month.

Grandma rolls her eyes and swats me with her hand. "Non essere credulone!" (Don't be gullible.) She said, taking a bite of her polenta. I sigh in defeat, deciding to just let her think what she wants.

"Grayson sta andando bene. Mi ha aiutato con i compiti di matematica." (Grayson is doing well. He helped me with my math homework.) Grandpa clicks his tongue, smirking at his food. "Che bravo ragazzo." (What a good boy.)

I just nod my head and finish my dinner. I helped grandma with the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge before heading up to use the bathroom and brush my teeth.

Once I'm done I go into my room and lay down in bed with my book in hand, ready to read. I keep thinking about Grayson and how mad he was. I lose the battle in my head and decide to text him.

~Did you know lobsters taste with their feet? ~ A.

You know when you send something and instantly regret it after? Why was that the text I sent? I could've just asked if he was okay. I highly doubt he's interested in my stupid sea facts.

Fifteen minutes go by and he still hasn't responded. I try to focus on my book but I can't help but look at my phone every few minutes. I decided to do a workout in our indoor gym. I change into some shorts and put a sports bra on under my shirt.

I connect my phone to the speaker and play some Nardo Wick. I walk on the treadmill for ten minutes before going to the squat rack and put some weight on each side. I do 7 reps for 3 sets.

Once I'm done I go to the leg press and do 12 reps for another 3 sets. I go to the dumbbell wrack and do Rdls and calf raises. I finish my workout by running on the treadmill for an hour on incline.

I take a shower and go back to my room. Grayson looked at my text twenty minutes ago. How rude! I'm never helping him again!

I plug my phone in and lay down in my bed. I lay in the dark for a few minutes before dozing off into the beginning of my repetitive nightmare.

Sorry this chapter was so boring! It'll get better soon! Okay, to da lo!

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