Eating Disorder {Nick, Chris & Matt}

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A trigger warning does apply for this one, it's pretty serious and will be dealing with a lot of heavier and more sensitive topics. Please do not read or even risk putting yourself in a bad state of mind if you struggle with body issues. I wouldn't want to harm anyone with what I write.

Request- One where Matt's dealing with disordered eating and has to be hospitalized. So his brothers help him start his recovery. c94515290 I hope you enjoy! If not, please let me know how I could make this better.

The beginning is based on Chris's comment in the Senior Beach Day Vlog #9 and a more serious take on the effects a comment like that could have. It's a bit of an older video which is also why Nick's hair is brown instead of blonde in this one shot


Matt knows it's not the comment that's reliable for his issues, for the way he takes it. It's not, not even a little. It's his own fault. The comment just happens to be what he needs to contribute to his already negative self-image. That's what it does, it's what has Matt hurling headfirst into an illness, a disorder that takes lives. One that he can't conquer all by himself.

''What're you doing? You look so fat right now, Matt,'' Chris jabbed, sticking the camera out to face him.

Matt plasters on a nonchalant face for the video. Even when his mind is anything but.

And jeez, was that... that couldn't actually have been disgust tainting his brother's voice, could it? Disgust put there just by looking at him? Matt's expression drops. No, no way, his brother wasn't like that. Wasn't shallow enough to generalize and judge someone just by appearance.

But what if Chris is? What if his brother's wholeheartedly judging him and is disgusted by him, by his body. Then what?

Instantaneously the thought has Matt stopping. He stops sipping his drink, thirst clenched. Tilting his beverage away from his lips Matt stands there. Still in a state of pure shock at his brother's remark. Before Matt even knows what he's doing his gaze hesitantly lowers from his brother's until it falls on his shirtless torso.


Well then, that was a new one, one he didn't quite understand. How could he when his brother had just been complimenting him earlier? Hell, Chris had even jokingly told him how handsome he was. What changed from then to now? What suddenly had made him chubby within that time frame?

He wanted to know. And he wondered if it was his body that was plump, and full-looking. Or was it something to do with the illusion ill-fitted clothing gave off. Swim trunks didn't exactly glamorize anyone after all.

Was it his body, the clothing, or could it be both?

Matt didn't know, he'd thought the swim trunks had looked fine on him at first glance. But now, now he wasn't sure. After all, Chris wouldn't just say something like that much less on camera, in front of their friends if it weren't true. Chris had aired it out, put it out there in the open because others were thinking it too. Matt glanced around, looking briefly at their friends, at Nick. And then his eyes fled. Reverting back to his own form. More than a little ashamed at the pudge he saw, the loose skin on his stomach that'd now become crystal clear to him. Matt sucked in a breath and carefully pinched at it.

Only, Nick caught him doing it. Because when he tilted his head back up Nick was still sitting next to him. Already glancing over at him, his brother reaches an arm out. Gently cups his hand. Taking it away from his stomach.

Those familiar eyes are deep and imploring as they meet his. Matt knew his brother had seemed to take in his self-consciousness, that that's why Nick's expression is so crushed.

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