33: Rintarou Suna - Pictures Part Two

Start from the beginning

"That's him isn't it," he said and I turned to see Terasaka walking towards us, a rather angry look etched onto his face.

"(y/n) where the hell have ya been? And who the hell is this ass?" Terasaka demanded and I gulped.

"I've been stayin' away from ya because- because I don't wanna see you anymore," I spoke quickly. "I want us to break up."

There was silence for a moment before he suddenly burst out laughing. "Break up? Ha! Ya know exactly what will happen if ya break up with me-,"

"I'm here to give you a chance to delete those pictures and to back away like an adult," Suna stepped in front of me protectively and I bit my lip, staring at him. Terasaka only laughed.

"Yer gonna give me a chance? Ha, yeah right. C'mon (y/n), we're leavin'," Terasaka went to grab me but Suna blocked him. "Get the fuck away," Terasaka tried again to get to me but Suna blocked him once more. "Oh so it's like that is it?"

"Yeah, it's like that," Atsumu's voice said, him appearing with Osamu and Ginjima following. The four boys created a circle around Terasaka who was refusing to back down.

"Which of you is it, huh? Or are you pleasin' all of 'em, (y/n)?" Terasaka glared at me.

"Don't talk to her like that," Suna suddenly said before the twins could.

"So it's you, huh? Yer the one who wants to be her knight in shinin' armour? Well tough. That girl's mine."

"No I'm not! And don't speak to my friends that way!" I shouted angrily, stepping forward. "You're such an ass Terasaka! Yer pathetic and yer gonna be alone forever! Now delete those photos if ya know what's good for ya!" I yelled, stepping right up to his face. The boys were apparently shocked by my outburst but I wasn't paying attention. "Delete those photos NOW!"

"And if I don't?" Terasaka smirked, pulling his phone from his pocket and holding it high in the air. He was a foot taller than me, and despite playing the role of the middle blocker for the twins whenever they wanted to practice volleyball outside of school time, there was no way I would be able to jump that high to reach it however there was someone in our group who could and who did.

Suna ran up, jumped high and snatched the phone straight from Terasaka's hand. The latter was still trying to register Suna's incredible jump, Suna then throwing the phone to Ginjima who opened it up. The twins went straight for Terasaka, holding him back as he tried to go for Ginjima to get his phone back. Ginjima threw the phone to me and I opened it up, found the pictures and happily deleted them from his phone. "You and I are done, Terasaka!" I yelled, adrenaline flooding through my body. I threw the phone angrily to his feet, the twins then letting go of him.

"You bitch," Terasaka growled, snatching his phone from the ground.

"Hey!" Osamu yelled.

"Don't call her that!" Atsumu added. Suna did something that shocked us all however; he walked straight up to my ex-boyfriend and punched him right in the face. I brought my hands to my mouth in shock, Ginjima gasped loudly and the twins stared at Suna as though he had just killed someone.

"Stay away from her," Suna growled.

"You bastard!" Terasaka held his bleeding nose. "Yer new boyfriends a creep (y/n)! Have a miserable life!" He shouted, running away from us and out of the park at top speed.

"S-Suna... that was amazin'," I smiled as he shook his fist, it apparently hurting.

"It was nothing. Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded, feeling utterly elated at my freedom.

"Yes, I am, thanks guys," I hugged the other boys who all agreed that they were happy to help. I turned and hugged Suna too, lingering on him a little bit as my heart wanted me to stay in his hold forever but I eventually pulled away. I wasn't sure whether it was my mind playing tricks on me but I thought it felt like he was holding onto me too. "Wow I'm... I'm actually free," I laughed.

"How about we go back to ours and play a video game," Atsumu suggested and everyone agreed. The twins and Ginjima walked ahead, Suna and I leading up the rear. It was quiet between us for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Suna... thank you," I whispered.

"What for?"

"If it wasn't for you comfortin' me the other day I don't think- I don't think I ever would've had the confidence to do what I just did," I explained. "He completely knocked me. Scared me, to be honest."

"Well he's gone now. You won't have to think about him again," he said, the words making me happy.

"Yeah... listen... I wanna do somethin' for ya... to say thanks," I mumbled and he raised an eyebrow.

"It was a group effort though-,"

"Suna I am tryin' to ask you on a date, what are ya not understandin' about that?" I spoke quickly and he froze on the spot. Thankfully the other three were too far ahead to hear.

"Seriously? You want to go on a date?" He double checked he had heard me correctly.

"Yeah... if you'll let me," I smiled, trying to show a little bit of confidence. I noticed his pale cheeks slowly turn red and the corner of his lips curled up into a smile that he seemed to desperately be trying to fight.

"Sure. I'd like that. When and where?"

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