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it was nearing noon and michael was packing up, ready to leave. bella looked better to michael and he hoped he wouldn't get a text tonight. but that could change as well.

michael waved bye to bella and then he left. a huge weight came off his chest once he was driving home. he just gave a girl his number. he hasn't done that in 5 years. he and crystal broke up when he was 16. she wasn't the best to michael, and he hated what she did to his mind, manipulative.

michael made it home, and his bandmates weren't here, only ashton. "hey michael, what do you wanna do for lunch?" "where's cal and luke?" "calum took luke out for lunch, since you guys were not on very good terms." ashton patted the couch next to him.

"so do you wanna talk about last night. what happened?" ashton asked softly. "i think it was about the girlfriend topic." michael said softly.

"honestly why did you and crystal break up in the first place? it was like one day she was here, and the next she wasn't." "she manipulated me and she was cheating on me, and using me for my money."

ash patted me on the back, "it's okay michael, it's over now." "yeah, and i don't know if i made the worst decision of my life, 15 minutes ago." "what did you do now?" ash asked, slipping in a hint of worry in his voice.

"i gave another girl my number." michael said laying his head in his hands. "michael, why? was it at least someone who doesn't have a personality like crystal?" "she's really nice, and amazing." "why did you give her your number? there must have been a reason." "she was going through a lot, and she had a bad ex, and he was threatening to come over to her apartment tonight." "oh then yeah, i get why you gave her your number then. that's smart michael." ash smiled.

hours passed by and bella was back at the apartment, that she dreaded for tonight. she felt a little bit safer with michael being there, but he also had a life, and couldn't stay with her all the time.

she locked the door behind her and went to her room. she locked that door and changed for a shower. it was 6:24 pm once she got out of the shower. she heard movement out in the living room. fearing the worst she thought that it was bryce.

she quietly opened the door, and slunk down the tiny steps. she made her way into the living room. no one was here, she was just imagining it. she turned around to go upstairs, but she heard movement in the kitchen.

she went into the kitchen and peeked around the corner, it was bryce. she ran back up the stairs as quietly and quickly as she could, and packed a bag. she slunk out her window and jumped out. she felt her wrist give away beneath her and knew she had sprained it or something. she didn't stay too long though, and ran to her car. getting in, she started it, just as she saw bryce at her front door. he had an evil look on his face and she was scared shitless.

with shaky fingers she quickly typed in michael's number. and sent him a quick text as well, before she started driving, literally anywhere.

bella: michael? is this u?

michael: bella? why are you texting me? did something happen?

bella: i need somewhere to stay for a few nights, cuz honestly i'm scared shitless rn

michael: okay, *insert address*

bella: ty sm mikey, i'll be at ur place in 15 minutes

michael: drive safe bella, i'll be at the front door when you pull in, okay

bella: thx mikey <3

michael was true to his word, when bella pulled into his driveway. he saw her shaking and her wrist was even more bruised. he saw her breathing in shallow breaths and just overall not looking too good.

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