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Good morning my love, she called from the sitting room, Naomi woke up and didn't see Gerald beside her so she decided to go check the kitchen because he loves his early morning cup of tea. She found him there sipping his tea, she walked up to him and kissed him, good morning my love, expecting to see her own cup of coffee because she prefers coffee instead of tea but surprisingly he didn't make her a cup of coffee. She stood there staring at him and wondering what could be wrong, are you alright she asked him trying to get close to him but he just stood up quietly and walked away. She stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to do or say, she tried to make breakfast but it wasn't working, making breakfast without him coming to steal kisses didn't feel good. she stopped whatever she was doing and went straight to their bedroom, hoping to have a good conversation with Gerald about whatever was wrong. He was dressed up and ready to leave the house. Where are you heading to? She asked, he didn't reply her till he was done with the last button on his shirt. I need to take a walk around the neighborhood he said as he stepped out of the bedroom with Naomi walking behind "but you are not familiar with the neighborhood" he wasn't even listening to her, he just wanted to step out of the house. I'll be fine he said as he stepped out and shut the door behind him. Naomi waited all day for him to return, it was past 6pm and he wasn't back home at this point she came worried. As soon she picked up her phone to call him she heard a knock on the door, it was Gerald. As soon as he walked in the whole place reeked of alcohol, we need to talk he said as he was trying to find his balance. We can't talk right now, you have to be sober for us to have proper conversation she said while trying to get him a glass of water from the kitchen, she handed it over to him but he dropped it, with water everywhere and broken pieces of glass on the floor, he stood up and said we need to talk about Dave.

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