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Days after Dave brought fruits to Naomi and Gerald's home, Gerald met him at the park with a female, so he walked up to him and said hi, and asked to see Dave privately. Dave stood up immediately to talk to Gerald while he moved away from the female. "My wife wasn't comfortable with you stopping by the other day" so I'm asking you quietly to please respect our privacy and not show up at our home unannounced. Dave grinned and said your wife wasn't comfortable or you were not happy I showed up with fruits for your wife? I won't repeat myself, Dave stay in your place. Gerald walked away wishing and hoping Dave would show up one day at his front door unannounced so he could show Dave the stuff he is made of. While he walked away he was so happy he had that conversation with Dave and he couldn't wait to tell Naomi the outcome of the conversation. Gerald got home and couldn't find Naomi at home he was a bit worried because she didn't say anything about going out, he tried calling her phone it was ringing in the house. "Where could she have gone without her phone" he asked himself, while he kept wondering how to reach Naomi he heard someone knocking on the door, that must be Naomi he said as he walked to the front door. Naomi stood there while carrying so many bags of groceries "I have been knocking for hours, babe" That's a sweet lie, my love, let me get those bags for you. Gerald carried the bags while Naomi walked right behind him and shut the door. Guess who I ran into at the park earlier today? You know I'm not good at guessing babe. Naomi answered while she was emptying the grocery bags, why did you take so long? You said you were only going for a walk. I stopped at the park to catch my breath, Gerald answered, and I saw Dave with a female I felt it was the best time to have that talk with him, so I walked up to them and said hi and I told Dave I needed to have a few words with him, we took few steps away from her before we began our conversation, I told Dave how you were not comfortable about him showing up at our home the other day. I also told him to respect our privacy and not show up unannounced. How did he take it? Naomi inquired. How did he take it? I don't care how he took it and his reply tells me that he is up to no good and I'll put him in his place. Relax babe, what did he say? Gerald raised his head to look at her before answering the question, he asked if it was you or me who wasn't comfortable with him coming to our home. Naomi walked up to him and placed her hand on his face, we shouldn't let Dave's arrogance ruin our evening. You already made yourself clear and that's enough, my sweetheart. as she kissed him softly on his lips his facial expression changed and that made Naomi smile even more. "I love you " he whispered as he touched her hair and made his way to her neck, kissed her neck and that woke something up in her body, right there in the kitchen he raised her dress and used his hands to pull down her panties. She could feel his arousal even without touching him, he made her turn to the kitchen counter and stretched her hands forward like he was trying to punish her, she was so quiet enjoying every move he made. He pulled down his pants and slid into her from behind and that made her moan softly as she bit her lips with pleasure, she tried to touch him while at it but he made sure her hands were stretched forward, he entered her again and filled her more than she ever thought possible. Naomi feels herself breaking into a million pieces and soaring into the sky and for two ecstatic minutes, they both ride the wave and hit a resounding climax. They come down both gasping for air and Gerald wraps her in his protective arms.

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