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"Mmm...yes, yes, yes! Fuck!" Jade screamed before rolling over and laying beside the guy she had just met on campus only hours prior to hooking up. Her first day of school had been quite draining for her, so she was in need of some immediate stress relief.

The two took a couple seconds to catch their breath before Jade abruptly stood up and threw on an oversized t-shirt. She continued getting dressed while the guy in her bed turned onto his side to face her.

"Wanna do this again sometime?" he smirked.

"No," Jade replied simply as she continued to disregard him. She was searching around the floor for her expensive lace panties that had been thrown somewhere across the room during the heated process of undressing each other.

"Oh?" the boy said awkwardly. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Did you not have a good time?"

"It was fine," Jade replied casually without focusing on him, and he just stared at her with confusion as she stepped into her underwear and a pair of shorts.

Jade pulled her hair out of her shirt, then turned towards him, "You can go now."

"Oh, um...okay," he said as he uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck. He got up then quickly dressed himself before heading towards the door. When he was standing in the hallway, he turned around, "If you change your mind, I'd love to take you out. We could go to—"

"Bye," Jade waved before shutting the door in his face.

The girl smiled to herself as she sat down at her vanity. Silly boys, she thought to herself, They never want anything more than a quick fuck. Why should I?

For a freshly 18 year-old girl, Jade was quite the promiscuous individual. Growing up with parents who didn't pay any attention to her and expected nothing more from her besides good grades, she had to look for entertainment in other places and from other people. Sex was the easiest and quickest way she had found to interest someone else in being around her.

Unfortunately, she never quite figured out how to connect with people beyond that.

Whenever Jade's parents angered or ignored her, she would sneak out and do something rebellious. Being in the company of her parents made her feel completely powerless over her own life, so stirring up trouble had been the only way for her to ever feel in control.

It had also been hard for her to make friends, as she was never surrounded by people her age. Nobody at school wanted to be seen hanging around someone who was five years younger than them.

But though she was very lonely on the inside, the "bad girl" was how she preferred to portray herself on the outside. While most people desire popularity and want to be liked, Jade wanted others to view her as cold and heartless so that they'd steer clear of her. The way she saw it was; when people know that they can hurt you, they do. They always do.

And she just couldn't have that.

Jade refused to show any form of vulnerability in front of anyone, and she was determined to keep her stoic facade up throughout her time at Sonder University—and for the rest of her life, really.

▣ ▣ ▣

Monday quickly approached, and Jade eagerly headed to her literature class. She knew the second she laid eyes on her sexy Literature teacher that he was going to make her time at SU especially interesting.

But on her way there, she was stopped.

"Jade!" a voice called out. The girl turned around then rolled her eyes as she watched the boy from Friday night leave his group of friends to scurry over towards her.

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