“Shit, more than a little while” Fatima accidently said out loud. “My bad” she apologized for cussing.

“No you're good,” Gina laughed. “You get a pass because you're 100% correct!”

“I just wish Zac saw it the same way” Fatima sighed. “You should've seen the disappointed look on his face when I told him that I'm not pregnant.”

“Don't worry about him. He'll come around eventually. You just need to make sure that you take the correct preventive measures to ensure that you don't accidentally end up pregnant” Gina advised.

“I'm way ahead of you!” Fatima exclaimed. “After the doctor confirmed that I indeed am not pregnant, I asked her for the arm implant birth control option. As of right now, you don't have to worry about another grandchild popping up for the next 3-5 years” she said proudly.

“I'm very proud of you for making such a grown woman decision” Gina said with a smile. “But uhm… does Zac know?” She asked.

“Does Zac know what?” Zac asked, walking up to the pair. “Baby it's almost time to board the plane.” He says to Fatima.

“Okay, I'm right behind you. I just gotta finish talking to your mom about something real quick” Fatima replied.

“Cool. But before I leave y'all to it. What is it that I need to know?” Zac asked again.

“Nothing” Gina and Fatima replied simultaneously.

“Okay” Zac shrugged. “For the record, I'm happy to see my two favorite women getting along again,” he said before walking away.

“I promise I'll tell him when the time is right” Fatima said to Gina.

“Alright. Oh and one more thing, can I please ask you for a favor?” Gina said and Fatima nodded.

“I know that it's not your responsibility, but can you please make sure that Zac upholds his sobriety? If you get the smallest suspicion that he's been drinking, call me immediately!!” Gina said.

“O-okay” Fatima let out a stutter and it was clear that she was confused, because she's always known Zac as someone who rarely drank alcohol during their teenage years. The most she's seen him drink was a beer, but only on special occasions - such as when he turned 18.

“Ms Gina when did Zac start abusing alcohol?” Fatima inquired. “Because if my memory serves me correctly. He was never into it.”

“Yeah well certain situations have a way of bringing out the worst in people” Gina said without trying to raise any suspicions.

“Certain situations such as grief?” Fatima asked.

“Depends on how you define grief. Sometimes it doesn't pertain to a permanent loss such as death, but a loss is still a loss” Gina replied and Fatima quickly connected the pieces.

“So you're telling me that he started drinking because of me? Because I left?” Fatima asked with tear-filled eyes.

“No, sweetheart, that's not what I'm saying” Gina said, pulling her into a hug. “Look, just please do what I said and stop thinking too much into things. When Zac is ready to tell you all about his toxic relationship with alcohol, then he'll do so in his own free time. But I want you to know that it's not your fault, so please don't even fill your head with such thoughts. Okay?”

“Yes ma'am” Fatima said softly before they both walked back to join the rest.

“You good baby?” Zac asked after noticing Fatima's reddish eyes.

“Yeah I'm good,” Fatima replied. “My eyes are just red because of allergies” she lied.

“Mommy, look at what my old mommy and daddy gave me” Zoë said walking up to Fatima.

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