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It was morning, Soren was already wake up from his sleep.

Soren: (Yawn) What a great sleep tonight. I'm going to train myself to be stronger.

Somewhere in a small town, Fang, Sai and Sheilda have arrived on Earth. They walking on the dirt road.

Fang: Where could he be?

Sai: I'm sure he could be somewhere here.

Suddenly they heard something.

Sheilda: Hey. Do you guys hear that?


Sai: Yes. I can hear it. But where does the sound come from?

Fang: Not sure. We need to find the sound.

The group hurry and find the sound.

Meanwhile, Decade is practice himself with a self-made dummy using some old metal.

Decade: Okay. Let do this.

Decade grab his Rider Book and turn into a gun then he shoot at the dummy. He then pull out his card and insert it into the Neo Decadriver and close it.

Attack Ride: Blast!

He shoot at the dummy with a magenta bullet. He then turn his gun into a sword and he charged toward the dummy and slash it.

Suddenly, a giant shadow hand appear in front him. Decade slash the giant shadow hand and destroy it.

Decade: What was that?

Then a conical hat is flying toward Decade. Decade hear and dodge it. The conical hat bounce back.

Decade: What was that?

Fang: Surrender or we make you surrender.

The group come out from they hideout. Fang was in front of Decade. While Sai and Shielda was behind Decade.

Decade: Who are you guys?!

Fang: We are TAPOPS. We here to capture you.

Decade: I don't think so. You better stay away from me before I do something else.

Decade then charge toward Fang. Sai throw his conical hat at Decade and hit him on his head. His conical hat go back to Sai. Decade stand up and he changed his sword into gun and shoot at Sai and Shielda. Shielda use her shield and block his bullet and deflect the bullet at Decade and he dodge it.

Decade: Her shield can deflect my attack.

Fang: Now, it my turn! Shadow Tiger!

Fang use his hands and summon a shadow tiger.

Decade: A tiger?

Fang: Attack him! Shadow scratch!

The shadow tiger charged toward Decade and jump and use it claw to attack him. Decade was hurt by the shadow tiger claw. Decade stand up and saw Sai and Shielda then he charged toward them. Sai use his conical hat again and throw it and hit him on his body then sent him outside of the abandoned factory. Decade was lying on the ground. The group are walking toward Decade.

Sai: Give up already? I thought you can beat us like those Earthlings kid.

Decade stand up and pull out his card.

Decade: Yeah. I wasn't ready for that.

Decade open the side handle and insert the card on the Neo Decadriver and close it.

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