Her mother's voice joined in, a note of worry underlying her words. "I don't know why this is all happening. I'm so worried for us and for Isra, too."

Isra's heart sank as she absorbed their words. She made her presence known, and her parents turned their attention towards her. The worry inscribed on her face did not go unnoticed, and her father reached out to comfort her.

"Will these conflicts reach France, Baba?" She took a seat beside him on the sofa, glancing between him and Samia.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "We must remember that France is a strong nation, and our leaders are working diligently to maintain peace and stability. While conflicts may arise in other parts of Europe, we hope to preserve the peace here."

She nodded, but her worry lingered in her eyes. "But Baba, what if... what if things escalate? What if we're drawn into the turmoil? I can't bear the thought of losing anyone else."

Tarek's grip on her shoulder tightened slightly. "I understand your fears, my dear. We can't predict the future, but we can hope for the best and work towards a peaceful resolution. Remember, we have a strong sense of unity and resilience here in France."

Her mother hummed in agreement. "Your father's right, my dear. We'll be safe. We promise."

Her father shifted the conversation, redirecting Isra's attention away from the unsettling world affairs. His eyes softened as he asked about the letter she had prepared for Haadi's parents earlier in the day.

"Yes, I made sure to mail it." She still wrote them regularly to let them know that they weren't alone in their grief. Although she hadn't completely moved on from Haadi's death, speaking to his parents was a way of combatting her sorrow.

"Would you like some tea?" Samia asked, standing up from the sofa and heading to the kitchen with the empty plate that once held biscuits.

"I'm alright, Mama. I think I'm going to get some sleep. I'll be visiting Marcel tomorrow since it's Sunday. He's helping me practice my English."

Her mother paused mid-step and turned around, quickly sharing a look with Tarek that Isra didn't catch. "Right. Of course. Well, you go get ready for bed then. Sleep well, darling."

Isra bid her parents goodnight, her mind already filled with anticipation for the day to come. In her room, she changed out of her day dress and into her nightgown, brushing her hair quickly before settling into bed. With a contented sigh, she drifted into a peaceful slumber, her dreams overflowing with the promise of a new day.

The next morning, she carefully selected her attire after a refreshing bath. She opted for a knee-length pleated skirt in a soft pastel hue, paired with a fitted blouse adorned with delicate lace detailing. The blouse had a high collar and billowy sleeves, exuding a touch of sophistication. Over it, she draped a lightweight cardigan in a complementary shade, its buttons adding a charming accent. To complete her ensemble, she slipped into low-heeled pumps that matched the color of her skirt. Her hair, usually left down in loose waves, was neatly pinned back with a decorative hair clip.

She admired her reflection in the mirror. A sense of anticipation swirled within her, knowing that she would soon be meeting Marcel. She wanted to present herself as her best self, feeling a newfound confidence and radiance.

Satisfied with her outfit choice, Isra grabbed her bag, filled with her notebook, pens, and the English book they were currently reading, ensuring she was well-prepared for their study session. With a final glance in the mirror and a smile playing on her lips, she headed out the door.

Isra entered the parlour, and from the dining area, her parents spotted her, greeting her with warm smiles.

Samia's eyes twinkled roguishly as she analyzed Isra's carefully chosen ensemble. "Well, well, Isra, aren't you looking lovely today?"

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