Chapter 1

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                                 Delilah's POV
Hi! I'm Delilah Fisher! I'm 17! I love photography! I'm almost 18! Photography is one of the classes, I always get As and Bs in. I take that class very seriously.

I've been noticed by some celebrities and influencers that I follow. It always makes me happy.

I found a lizard outside at 5 in the morning. I was outside waiting for my friend.

"Alright Miss. Lizard. Can you stay there for a little bit? I wanna take some pictures of you."

I started taking pictures of this tiny lizard. It got scared and ran away.

"Nooo! Come back! I wasn't done! Noooooo!"

"It's a lizard. You see them all the time. You live in Florida."

"I know but this one was really pretty!"

I stood up and turned around. I saw my best friend.

"Hi Diane. When did you get here?"

"I've been standing behind you for literally 5 minutes. How have you not noticed?"

"I was kinda in the middle of something."

Diane rolled her eyes.

"We've been friends for 5 years now and I still don't understand you sometimes."

"That sounds like a you problem."

"Please tell me your ass is ready to go. I really don't wanna get left behind. My parents would kill me. I know your parents would probably get pissed too."

"Yeah yeah. I'm ready."

We started making our way to our school. We both live on the same block and it's not far from our school. We had to get there early because we were going on an overnight trip.

"I saw that Kailix Frost liked a few of your posts again."

"Oh! Yeah! I'm pretty sure he even followed me. I'll look when we get to school."

"Oooooo you're blushing!"

"I am not!"

We made it to school on time. We went into the auditorium and sat down. I took my phone out of my bag and unlocked it.

"I-I was right! H-he followed me! It's probably nothing. Have you seen how hot this boy is?"

"He's not my type."

"Ugh. You have a shitty taste in boys then."

Diane rolled her eyes.


Our teachers went over some rules then we got our bags checked. We found seats at the back of the bus.

"I can't believe we're going on a two day trip and we're not even gonna learn anything."

"I know. That does seem weird. Our teachers might need a break then."

"Yeah. Most of us do drive them crazy."

"I don't understand why we're allowed to keep our meds on us."

"Yeah. That's a bit strange."

The bus started moving and I got excited. Most of us fell asleep. Diane's head was on my shoulder. We got to our hotel then we were given our rooms. We brought our things up to our room.

Me and Diane ended up sharing a room with just the both of us.

"Damn. How'd this happen?"

I shrugged.

"We should go meet up with everyone."

"True. We should."

We started walking out of our hotel room.

"Isn't Kailix and his band doing a concert where we're going?"

"Think we'd be able to go?"

"I hope so!"

A Girl & Her Camera (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt