I walked outside of school and met up with Seth.

"Hey. How was the comic book meeting?"

"Good. The guys gave me some advice."

"Oh really? Advice on what?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Just...things. I heard about your girls night." Seth said. I raised my eyebrows at his subject change, but then shrugged.

"Yeah, Summer, Mariss, Lindsay and I are gonna hang out at Marissa's house. Or I guess your grandpa's house." I told him.

"Maybe you won't run into Julie Cooper."

"One can hope. You and Ryan should invite Ben over and hang out too." I suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Seth said with a nod.
Ryan came outside then and the three of us headed home.


I climbed into the car with Ryan. We were going to pick up Lindsay for the girls night. I looked over as Seth slid onto the seat beside me.

"Oh, Seth, I didn't know you were coming." I said.

Ryan gave Seth a look I didn't understand that Seth just shrugged at.

"Well, figured I needed to come along and bring moral support for you evening with Julie Cooper."

"I hope she doesn't show up." I told him.

The rest of the car ride was mostly silent. Seth and I made eye contact a couple times, but looked away. We arrived at Lindsay's house and she came outside and climbed into the car.

"Hey, Linds." I greeted.

"Hey." Ryan told her.

"Hey, Ryan. Ally and..Seth." Lindsay greeted, probably confused why Seth was there.

I could tell Lindsay was nervous and so could Ryan. He glanced over at her from behind the wheel. "Relax, you're gonna be fine."

"Yeah definitely. I mean, not only am I spending the night with Marissa, but I'll get to see my dad...who barely acknowledges me." Lindsay told him.

"Nope he's gonna be out to dinner. I checked with Marissa." Ryan told her.

"So when did you guys meet? I mean how did you start going out in the first place?" Lindsay asked.

Seth and I glanced at each other.

"Me and Marissa? Come on."

"What, I mean were you guys lab partners...fire drill buddies?"

"No, no. Uh, actually, it was my first night in Newport. I was sitting in Sandy's car, waiting to see if Kirsten would even let me in the house and Ally and I walked down to the end of the driveway and there she was. We started talking and I don't know we just um-connected. She wasn't like anyone I never met before. Until you."

It was a little awkward listening to Ryan speak about Marissa in that tone of voice to Lindsay, but she didn't seem all too bothered.

"Um- what about you Ally? Didn't you and Seth used to date?"

"Uh-yeah we did. It's really simple for us. I walked out of the poolhouse and there Seth was on the floor in his pajamas playing PlayStation with Ryan." I said with a smile, looking over at Seth.

"Yeah, one second I'm playing PlayStation, and the next I'm looking up and seeing the prettiest girl I've ever seen looking at me." Seth said and I grinned.

"Sounds like you two were good for each other." Lindsay spoke and Seth and I looked at each other. "We were."

The car stopped as we reached the house.

Safe With You || Seth Cohen Where stories live. Discover now