"Are you joking?" Dream grabbed his hand. "I don't think anything could ever come between you and Karl. You're inseparable, you compliment each other in all the best ways and you understand each other like no one else."

"I thought the same about you and George." Sapnap croaked out.

Dream paused, because, yeah. He thought so too. Clearly, since he proposed to the boy, wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. And then he was rejected, by the boy he thought he understood more than himself.

"What you and Karl have..." Dream took a deep breath. "What you have is different to that. Me and George... we didn't understand each other. To some extent, we did, but we were too young to see everything. I think what happened to us was meant to happen. But you and Karl, you are everything I thought I had with George."

It hurt to admit. He was jealous. Not specifically of Sapnap or of Karl, but of their connection. Of their success. They worked because they tried, and they fought for it.

"George and I needed the time and space to grow into ourselves. But you and Karl have grown together. I haven't seen anything like it, it's beautiful." He smiled and squeezed Sapnap's hand for emphasis. "You're marrying Karl, Sapnap. You've wanted this forever."

"I have." Sapnap wiped his face with a small smile. "You said we've grown together, but you guys needed time and space. Do you... do you think you've grown now?"

"Yeah." Dream said with a nod, thinking it over. Sometimes he doesn't feel like he's grown up, but the truth is he has learnt so much from George and their mistakes. "I think I'm where I should have been 4 years ago."

"And George?" Sapnap questioned.

"He's grown even more than me." Dream smiled at the thought, how much George had changed despite remaining the same. The lessons he's learnt and the effort he's putting in.

"If you knew what you did know back then, do you think it would be you in my shoes right now? About to marry the love of your life?" Sapnap's voice was soft, and he was watching Dream carefully for his reaction.

"Maybe. I think we would have at least been able to communicate better. Maybe we wouldn't have been married yet, but we might have still been in each other's lives one way or another the past 4 years." It was difficult to think about, because what happened then is what made them who they are now.

"What about now?" Sapnap asked, leaning back, a twinkle in his eye.

"What about now?" Dream asked it back, confused.

"Would you marry him now?"

No. Of course not. They couldn't. He didn't even want to think about it because thinking about marrying George would just make him feel things that he's been trying to hide away. It's not even on the table. George has a daughter, marriage is so far in the future... no, it's not even in the future. Who is Dream kidding? He won't marry George because why would George, who's already rejected him once, want to marry him? He's learnt how much of a mess Dream is by now, he doesn't want that in his life. Romantically.

"Today is supposed to be about you and Karl." Dream managed to splutter out.

At the mention of his name, Sapnap's eyes lit up and he jumped out of his seat, grabbed his coat and slid it over his arms.

"I'm getting married! To Karl Jacobs." Sapnap beamed at himself in the mirror as he fixed his hair. "I'm marrying the love of my life and the most incredible guy in the world. Holy shit I'm so excited. Let's go, let's go!" Sapnap grabbed Dream's arm and tugged him towards the door. Dream just laughed, shaking his head from the sudden whiplash of mood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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