Fluff Alphabet (Leona)

Start from the beginning

I - Introduction - How did you meet them? What was your first impression on them?

You two met each other in the garden, when he took a nap. He actually didn't care for you. He opened up one eye, glanced at you and turned away to continue his nap.

J - Jealousy - How easily do they get jealous? What do they do in that state of jealousy?

At first, before you two started dating, Leona was often jealous, thinking that other students might make you fall in love with them, not knowing that you actually liked him back. He would always growl, clench his teeth and hands and also make the other students fear and threatens them, until you two started dating. There he won't be so fast jealous, except when it comes to Malleus hanging around with you. Oh boy, the sleepy lion's eyes will not leave you...

K - Kisses - What are their kisses like?

Rough kisses!

L - Love - When did they realize they were truly in love with their s/o?

When you told him, that you love him the way he is and that you don't care about his title or anything. That he wonderful, no matter what.

M - Marriage - Do they ever think of marriage or how they would propose?

Not really. Leona doesn't think about the future at the moment. He only wants to take great naps on your lap!

N - Nicknames - What nicknames do they call their s/o? What nicknames do they like being called?

He will call you: my herbivore (and nothing else)

He likes to be called: my prince, the love of my life, strong lion (call him kitty, kitten, cat or anything like that, and he might punish you ;D )

O - Oath - What is something (i.e. a bad habit) they try to stop doing for their s/o?

He will try to stay awake for you and listens to everything you say. Usually, he will fall asleep pretty fast, but if you don't want him to do it, then he will try to change himself for you!

P - PDA - What is their outlook on pda? Do they love it or do they hate it? What's the most affection they'll give their s/o in public?

He will give you hugs, cuddles and to annoy you, Leona will lick your cheek in front of others, if you annoy him. But he will blush or shoves you away (in a sweet way), if you kiss him, pat him or touch his tail. It will make him blush. He will totally deny that the color of his cheeks changed, but he won't give up!

Q - Quandary - What's the most awkward thing they've dealt with since dating their s/o?

That one time you called him "darling" in front of some savanaclaw students. Since that day, those poor students fear of their heads being ripped off by their dorm leader... It was actually only awkward for him.

R - Ruminate - How often do they think or daydream about their s/o?

He will think about you, if he misses you and before he takes his naps, because he wants you to be there with him. Also there were a few dreams he had, like sweet dates or a picnic, where you started feeding him.

S - Scent - What do they smell like? (i.e. peppermint or cedar wood)

Mh... Maybe like... grass and wood, as he falls often asleep near those?

T - Talk - How often do they talk about their s/o in front of others?

Not often, just if he wants you to be there and tells Ruggie to search for you. He doesn't talk with many students.

U - Unique - What's something they would do only for their s/o?

I'm pretty sure that are his cuddles and showing you that he cares for you. He would never show it to anybody else.

V - Vulnerable - What's something their s/o does that makes them weak to their knees?

Patting his head, when he gets tired and then touching his long tail. He will try not to purr out loud, but sometimes it just leaves him. He will be like pudding in your hands.

W - Witty - What was their reaction to making their s/o laugh for the first time?

His tail wiggled a bit, while his ears twitched. It sounded like a melody for Leona. His lips will curl up and immediately tries to look normal, so you won't notice how happy your laugher made him.

X - Xylophone - What is a song that describes the relationship or their feelings towards their s/o?

Miscél - spells to fall asleep

Y - Yearn - What is something they look for or would like to have in a s/o?

Somebody who is not energetic at all and also likes taking naps with him!

Z - Zzz - How are they when it comes to sleeping? Are they a cuddler, a blanket hogger, ect?

Cuddler and he won't mind sleeping without a blanket at all!

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